: 1 º DIA "Trial, PARTE 1:
Este caso é segundo julgamento de Mia. Nele, ela é definida como a defesa de um jovem
Phoenix Wright, da acusação de assassinato. Novamente, essa é uma parte introdutória
caso, para que os jogadores mais novos vão aprender as cordas mais cedo. Phoenix tem um
frio e tosse constantemente (este fato será fundamental mais tarde!). Mia
realmente não têm a oportunidade de falar com ele como órgão começa.
Bem, Payne está olhando ... diferente do habitual. De qualquer forma, em sua abertura
declaração, afirma Pereira, que o nome da vítima foi Doug Swallows, um
estudante de farmacologia na Universidade de Ivy. Como os alunos viram a cena,
eles avistaram o arguido, que, de acordo com Payne, tinha obviamente
estragado a sua fuga. Payne, em seguida, apresenta uma foto da cena do crime,
o que demonstra Doug no terreno, mas nenhuma arma. Crime Foto 1 adicionado
o registro judicial. Pereira afirma ainda que a vítima morreu em um incomum
forma e os desafios do estado de defesa para que a causa da morte foi.
Mia vai tropeçar um pouco, e é aí que Grossberg lhe dará um impulso
na direcção certa: verificar o registro do tribunal! Ele diz na vítima
relatório da autópsia que a causa da morte foi eletrocutado. O juiz
Em seguida, perguntar a defesa que a causa da morte foi. Acabamos de verificar
, assim que responder que era "eletrocução". Payne vai congrate ela, e
indicará que a vítima eo réu tinha algum sangue ruim entre
lhes. O juiz vai pedir a defesa que a origem do sangue ruim
entre eles era. Presente perfil Dahlia Hawthorne. Ela foi a
namorado da vítima, até cerca de 8 meses atrás, então ela começou a ver
o réu, Phoenix Wright.
Pereira vai agora chamar sua primeira testemunha: Phoenix Wright, o réu
ele mesmo! Mia não tem objecções, de modo a Phoenix irá iniciar o seu testemunho.
PRIMEIRA Phoenix Wright's testemunho da vítima e eu
-Um, I. .. Eu admito que eu estava lá ...
-Mas eu não sou um assassino! Tudo que fiz foi encontrar o seu corpo!
-Eu mal conhecia o cara, para começar ...
-Eu nunca havia conversado com que furou-wannabe até britânica!
Bem, nada fura para fora no momento, então a única coisa que podemos
fazer é pressioná-lo. Que "wannabe British comentário" é um pouco estranho
embora. Imprensa afirmação de que. A seguir será então adicionado à sua
-Ele estava sempre andando por aí com uma enorme Union Jack na parte de trás do seu
As coisas agora estão ficando interessantes. Como sabemos que a Phoenix
vítima usava uma Union Jack se ele está vestindo uma jaqueta? Presente Crime Foto 1
Para contrariar esta afirmação. Phoenix irá lágrimas admitir que ele era
mentindo. Isto pode não ser bom, no entanto. Pereira vai apresentar uma garrafa de
Coldkiller X. Acontece que é a medicina faltando Phoenix frio,
e, naturalmente, tem suas impressões digitais em todo ele. Payne, em seguida, produz um
segunda foto que mostra que a garrafa foi encontrada na mão da vítima!
Fale sobre suas provas incriminatórias! Coldkiller X e Crime Foto 2
adicionada ao registro do tribunal. Phoenix agora irá testemunhar sobre o que realmente
SEGUNDA Phoenix Wright o testemunho: o que aconteceu
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''
-A verdade é ... Eu fui porque ele me chamou.
-Ele estava no Departamento de Farmacologia, por isso, decidiu reunir-se às 2:45 para trás
que a construção.
-Nós conversamos um pouco, e em seguida, em torno de 3:00, podemos dividir.
-Então depois, quando voltei, encontrei-o deitado.
-I 'd vindo a coldkiller X para os últimos 2 ou 3 dias.
-Mas eu perdi a minha garrafa de que em torno de almoço no dia do acidente.
Pressione a primeira declaração, pressione o segundo e perguntar sobre o
departamento próprio, e, finalmente, pressionar a última. Acontece que
Doug chamado Phoenix para a construção de falar sobre Dahlia. Ambos
chegou a tempo. O edifício em si não usa o padrão de alta tensão
energia elétrica em suas expirements. Antes eles se encontraram, no entanto, a Phoenix tinha
almoço com Dahlia (isto é importante, por isso lembre-se!).
Após essa seqüência, o juiz irá parar o questionamento, e pedirá
Qual foi a arma do crime. Escolha a "estabelecer método de assassinato", então
presentes Crime Foto 1. O juiz então deve solicitar que a defesa
ponto onde a arma está na foto. Aponte para a oscilação
fio elétrico. Payne, no entanto, salientar que a única pessoa
que poderia ter usado o fio foi o réu. Não é bom! Para adicionar
insulto à injúria, Payne diz que as impressões digitais do arguido foram
encontrados no corpo da vítima, bem! Pereira alega que a recorrida
empurrou a vítima para a morte! Definitivamente não é bom!
Pouco antes de o juiz pode anunciar o veredicto, Mia prende-lo! Ela
insta Phoenix para depor novamente, para dizer a verdade. Ela também lhe diz
que ela acredita em sua inocência. Payne tenta impedi-los, mas
Phoenix concorda em testemunhar mais uma vez.
TESTEMUNHO FINAL Phoenix Wright: Quando eu empurrei a VÍTIMA
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''
-Aquele cara ... ele estava falando mal sobre Dollie ...
-Eu perdi a paciência e lhe deu um empurrão!
-Naquele momento, eu ouvi algum tipo de barulho ...
-Um pouco depois que eu saí, eu comecei a ficar preocupado.
-Então eu fui para trás. Mas h-ele estava deitado, d-morto!
Pressione a declaração de terceiros, a uma sobre um barulho alto. "Pergunte para mais
detalhes. "O juiz irá indicar que não é relevante. Estado" Claro que é
importante! "A seguir será então adicionada ao testemunho!
-Depois que o empurrou, ele ... no que ele caiu em cima de seu guarda-chuva.
Isto é o que estamos esperando! Presente Crime Foto 1. O
guarda-chuva era pelo pólo elétrico, assim que a vítima deve ter sido
lá também. De acordo com a foto, no entanto, ele mudou! Não pode
só pode ser uma conclusão: quando o arguido empurrou-o, a vítima foi
não eletrocutado! Em outras palavras, ele não estava morto ainda! O juiz então
Payne ordens para apresentar como prova o guarda-chuva, o que ele faz.
Testemunho da Phoenix também está incluído no registo do tribunal. Pode olhar
Mia como fez isso, mas Payne começa a rir. Ele não está pronto ainda!
Mia rapidamente adivinha que ele tem outra testemunha, que confirma:
é Dahlia Hawthorne, namorado do réu! As ordens de um juiz
recesso enquanto a promotoria prepara a sua próxima testemunha.
No átrio do réu, Phoenix, explica que ele e Dahlia preenchidas no
sala de tribunal de refrence. Ele diz que foi amor à primeira vista, e ele
foi dado um pingente, que está inscrita no registo do tribunal. Acontece
que Dahlia é muito tímido, e ela sempre dizia a mesma coisa: "Por favor
devolvê-lo agora. "Huh, isso é estranho. Ela deu para ele como um presente depois
todos. Mia então choques Phoenix com a data do encontro: agosto
27. Ela diz a ele que um assassinato aconteceu no tribunal em que
data. Grossberg finalmente entende porque Mia tomou sobre o caso assim
repentinamente. O recorte do jornal será adicionado ao registro de corte,
Grossberg e será ido há muito tempo, como ele vai estar no
sala refrence. Salve o seu jogo.
: 1 º DIA "O julgamento, parte 2:
Quando Dahlia entra na sala, ela imediatamente começa no juiz
lado bom. Dahlia é um estudante literário no Ivy U. Ela viu toda a
incidente, mas ela diz que seu Feenie nunca faria algo assim
horrível. Uh ... O que ela disse? De qualquer forma, ela começa seu depoimento
dos eventos desse dia.
PRIMEIRA DAHLIA Hawthorne testemunho: o que eu testemunhei
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''
-Eu estava planejando voltar ao lugar Feenie uma vez a aula acabou.
-Feenie e Dougie ... eles estavam falando por trás do edifício.
-Então, de repente ... Dougie tem todo trémulo e só entrou em colapso.
-That 's Feenie quando percebeu que eu estava lá.
-Eu fui para ir encontrar alguns outros alunos, e chamaram as autoridades.
A vítima só entrou em colapso, hein? That's alright uma declaração de peixe.
Imprensa afirmação de que. Então, "contradição" show quando for dada a oportunidade.
Mia, então, apontar que a Phoenix confessou a empurrar a vítima.
Dahlia então substituir declarações 3 e 4 do seu testemunho com
estes novos:
-Um, na verdade, eu não vi o momento em que ele empurrou Dougie.
-Ele não parecia que estavam lutando, e eu não ouvi nenhum barulho
Nenhum ruído, hein? Isso é uma contradição definitiva. Presente de Phoenix
Testemunho para mostrar que há na verdade foi um ruído. Dália vai contra a
dizendo que ela estava usando fones de ouvido, porque ela estava com medo dos
trovão. Hora de mudar as coisas! Como todos nós esperamos saber, relâmpago
é realmente uma descarga elétrica de partículas. Talvez o assassinato "foi
um acidente, e que a vítima foi morta por um parafuso de vadios! Então resposta
"Houve relâmpagos", quando dada a oportunidade. Infelizmente, é Payne
todo este. Segundo um relatório das condições meteorológicas que
dia, Bolt não atingiu essa área! Além disso, o laboratório perdeu o poder em torno de
2:50 Naquele dia, porque um dos fios torcidos. Payne tem uma
depoimento dos alunos de laboratório para confirmar a informação nova, que
alega como prova.
O juiz, porém, diz que o fio não poderia ter se agarrado
algo ou alguém não topar com ele. Quando ele pergunta a defesa para
sua teoria sobre a forma como o fio agarrado, o perfil actual da Phoenix.
Afinal, Phoenix empurrou a vítima. O que quer dizer que o impacto da
vítima feitas contra o poste não romper o fio? Desde que o pólo é
longe do fio, a vítima não poderia ter morrido quando caiu
nele! Dahlia agora irá testemunhar como a verdade do que viu.
SEGUNDA DAHLIA Hawthorne testemunho: o que eu testemunhei, PARTE 2
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''
-A verdade é ... Feenie empurrou-o duas vezes.
-A primeira vez foi no poste elétrico. É quando o cabo
-Então Dougie tentou seu melhor para fugir dele ...
-Mas Feenie preso e se chocou contra ele por trás.
O cabo-rotura e Dougie sendo eletrocutado - tudo isso ocorreu em
Menos de um minuto.
De alguma forma, eu duvido muito que tudo isso ocorreu em menos de um minuto.
Olhe Crime Scene Foto 2. O relógio parou em cerca de 3:05. A perda
de energia no laboratório ocorreu às 2:55. Do you see it yet? Há uma
10-minutos lacuna entre a perda de potência ea eletrocussão, uma lacuna que
pode ter sido usada pelo assassino real! Assim, presentes Crime foto 2
Última declaração de Dahlia. Payne exige que a defesa propor que o
assassino real. Vamos olhar para isto. Outros, a vítima eo
recorrida, apenas uma pessoa estava no local durante a 10-minutos
intervalo. Não deve ser difícil. Apresentam o perfil de Dahlia. ELA é
o verdadeiro assassino!
Phoenix irá saltar e exigir que Mia o que acaba de ser declarado
atingido a partir do registro. O juiz não comprá-lo e foi o oficial de justiça
arrastá-lo de volta para sua cadeira. Grossberg retorna com o arquivo foi
procurando. Ele descreve o incidente em tribunal. A vítima,
Advogado de Defesa Diego Armando (este nome é IMPORTANTE!) Foi envenenado
no refeitório do tribunal's. O principal suspeito de que o incidente foi
Dahlia Hawthorne. Ela foi deixada em liberdade, no entanto, porque não havia qualquer
prova de que ela o envenenou. Este relatório será adicionado ao
registro de corte. Mia then requests that Dahlia testify about how she met
recorrida. Dahlia não tem escolha a não ser obedecer.
TERCEIRO DAHLIA Hawthorne testemunho: How I Met My Feenie
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''
-Eu conheci meu querido Feenie há oito meses.
-É como se estivéssemos destinados a atender no porão deste tribunal é muito
sala de leitura.
-No momento em que nossos olhos se cruzaram, meu coração pulou uma batida!
-Fomos saindo desde aquele dia fatídico.
Por que Dahlia já esteve lá? Ela não parece ter qualquer
interesse na lei. Pressione a declaração sobre a sala de leitura, então
escolha "mantenha pressionado". Dahlia agora irá rever seu testemunho.
-Eu tive que vir a este tribunal para fazer alguma pesquisa para um papel que eu estava
What a crock! Apresentar o Relatório de Polícia para contrariar esta afirmação.
Todo mundo vai ficar chocado ao saber que era o primeiro-Dahlia
suspeito nesse caso. Dália vai depor adicionais quanto ao incidente.
-Eu conheci o advogado que foi envenenado para discutir algo no
dia que a lanchonete.
-Eu deixei o meu lugar por apenas um momento, e que quando isso aconteceu!
-Pelo que eu ouvi foi um veneno líquido que é letal em apenas dois
colheres de chá.
-Não só isso, eu ouvi que era um tipo muito especial de veneno.
-Então você vê, eu sou inocente! Eu nem saberia por onde começar um veneno
like that!
Isso é uma mentira muito grosseira. Apresentam o perfil de Doug. Ele era um
estudante de farmacologia, bem como ex-namorado de Dália. Ela tinha muito
chances de roubar qualquer veneno que gostou! Dahlia, no entanto, os contadores
com o facto de o recipiente usado para transportar o veneno nunca foi
encontrado. Se você estiver acompanhando até agora, você pode saber o que
aconteceu com ele. Apresentam o perfil de Phoenix. Dahlia sabia que ela seria
procurou, então ela passou fora do recipiente do veneno - como um presente - a
alguém totalmente alheio ao incidente: Phoenix Wright. Antes de Mia
pode levá-la para casa ponto, Phoenix salta para cima e objetos! Phoenix é
loucamente apaixonado por ela, assim dizer-lhe que o motivo que ela está namorando
ele é "por causa daquele colar." Ela quer de volta. E porquê? Porque
é uma parte crucial da prova! Phoenix não quer ouvir mais, então ele
Mia ataca e toma o pingente!
Ele é pego e grelhada pelo tribunal, e sob a pressão, confessa
que ele comeu. O QUE É?!!? Ele comeu!?!? Pare o julgamento, obtenha o homem a uma
hospital! Payne, salienta, contudo, que a Phoenix está bem! Não deve
houve nenhum veneno! Mia continua a persistir, e é quando Phoenix
diz ao tribunal que a razão de a vítima o chamou para fora era para avisar
a ele. Oito meses atrás, alguém roubou alguns produtos químicos dele e que tinha
aconteceu com ele novamente na noite anterior. Phoenix também viu no Dahlia
cena do crime, mas jurou que não iria divulgar essa parte das informações.
A defesa chegou à conclusão de que era Dahlia após o outro
vida da pessoa, assim que apresentam o perfil de Phoenix. Desde que ele nunca desistiu da
pingente, ela pensou que esta era a única maneira de recuperá-la. Dahlia
nega, e afirma que a defesa não tem provas de que ela
envenenado nada. Como Dahlia tenta sair, Mia deixa ela.
Blefes Mia que ela de fato tem provas para mostrar. Desde que está perto
ao final do julgamento, o juiz irá permitir que apenas um elemento de prova.
Lembre-se da garrafa de coldkiller X? Ele foi roubado em torno de Phoenix
dia do almoço isso. Quem foi almoçar com ele? Dahlia Hawthorne. É
possível que ela roubou a garrafa e envenenou-lo! É tudo ou
nada, tão presente no frasco de estados coldkiller X. Dahlia que
Isso é um absurdo, por isso Mia desafios a ela para tomar uma pílula. Dahlia
em vez disso fica furioso e admite que ela matou a vítima a manter
ele quieto. Além disso, ela era a pessoa que colocou o frasco no
mão da vítima para se livrar de ambas as provas incriminatórias, e para
implicar o réu. Ela é transportado fora, e Payne perde o seu cabelo
de choque. O veredicto do juiz? Inocente.
Mia promete reunir novamente com o Phoenix, uma vez que ele também está estudando para ser
um advogado.
POV muda para Phoenix. Ele afirma que este caso traz à tona dolorosas
memórias, imagens acarinhados, e pensamentos que ele nunca deverá aumentar
à superfície novamente. Mas isso é uma história para outra altura. Salve sua
Caso 2: The Stolen Turnabout [TURNSTOL]
Nós começamos a fase de inquérito, Maya Phoenix diz que não há
vai ser uma exposição na loja de departamentos, nobre Tailor. Não é
apenas apresentar qualquer idade embora. É o "Tesouros da Kurain" exibem! Assim,
o cartaz anúncio será adicionado ao registro do tribunal. Você
automaticamente para Lordly do Alfaiate "Main Exhibition Hall". De
lá, passar para o "Basement Warehouse".
É Adrian Andrews! Você vai conhecê-la muito bem se você jogou os últimos
jogo. Fale com ela sobre o "Adrian Andrews" e "Lordly Tailor". Parece
que ela deixou o emprego como gerente e fomos para Lordy Tailor como
organizador de eventos especiais, como os "Tesouros da Kurain"
exposição. Alguns dos itens enviados Kurain Village são armazenados por trás
que a grande porta para a custódia. Como tal, Phoenix e sua turma não pode ir
lá dentro. Em seguida, examine a estátua dourada de Ami Fey e você vai aprender
que a estátua de ouro vieram de uma das salas de formação de montanha.
A estátua em si será adicionado ao registro do tribunal. A estátua é também
segurando uma espada verde, que é o Phoenix descobre Shichishito, ou
Sete-Filial Sword em japonês. Phoenix e co. então a cabeça até a
12 º andar para jantar; Adrian já fez as reservas.
Maya tem algumas más notícias para o Phoenix. A Urna Kurain foi roubado! E é
não era apenas um ladrão de qualquer idade, era o ladrão infame Phantom Mask *
Démasqué! E, verifica-se que este foi o seu quinto assalto! Mas não
movimentar ainda! Fale com a Maya sobre "Urna sagrada". Se a urna contém Mystic
Ami alma, não deveria ler-se "AMI" em vez de "eu sou"?, Maya maravilhas. A
novo tópico chamado "incidente do ano passado" deve abrir para discussão.
Você já sabe, se você jogou The Game passado, mas se você não pode
Lembre-se, então aqui vai uma actualização: quando estava em Phoenix Kurain Village
investiga um assassinato, pobre Pearl pouco acidentalmente quebrou a urna,
e cometi um erro de ortografia, quando ela estava a tentar colocá-lo de volta
junto. A Urna Sagrada serão adicionados os registros do tribunal. Agora, vá para
o "Main Exhibition Hall".
Well, well, well! Se não é o nosso velho amigo Gumshoe! Fale com ele sobre
"O que aconteceu". Ele diz que algumas coisas genéricas que já sabemos, mas ele
também diz que a urna foi roubada por volta de 1:30 AM que a noite da
Armazém Basement. Foi relatado pelo guarda apenas no momento, que
Gumshoe se refere como um "Ace Detective". Fale com ele sobre isso que vem,
mas tudo se resume a Gumshoe ter ciúmes do "Ace Detective".
Esse detetive é quente na pista Mask * demasque, e ele ainda conseguiu
retornar o último item roubado antes do assalto urna. Ele está no
porão agora, mas nós vamos chegar a isso mais tarde. Agora, fale com o Gumshoe
sobre a "Máscara * demasque". Acontece que a máscara * demasque é bastante conhecida
e é um mestre do disfarce. Ele também vai somente após a rara arte
peças (lembre-se esta afirmação!). Senhorial Tailor também sabia que a máscara
De * Masque estava vindo para a urna, porque ele enviou uma "carta de chamada" para
lhes. Falar sobre isso agora. Acontece que a polícia sabia que
veio da Máscara * demasque mesmo porque ele tem o seu emblema sobre ele. O
imagem do emblema tem sido witheld do público, pois é o
única forma como a polícia saber se é realmente o ladrão ou não. The Calling
placa em questão será adicionado ao registro do tribunal. Agora, passar para a
"Armazém Basement".
Zvarri! É um cara que usa uma lupa como um monóculo! Ele
apresenta-se como Lucas Atmey, "Ace Detective". Discussão sobre a Atmey
este. Atmey parece surpreso que a Phoenix não sabe quem ele é. Acontece
que é Atmey arco Mask * demasque de-inimigo. Ele também um monte de bicos
frases absurdas. Ele também tem uma recompensa para frustrar Máscara *
Demasque último crime, mas ele diz que não era nada. Fale com ele agora
sobre a "Máscara * demasque". Acontece que Atmey foi o guarda, já que ele
e demasque foram duking fora, mas Phoenix assume que demasque
em vez enganou o detetive bom e saiu com um pouco agradável
souvenir. Atmey alega que ele deixe demasque fugir e Phoenix
decide a sondar um pouco mais profundo. Fale com Atmey sobre "A noite do
crime ". 20 dias atrás, foi contratado pela Atmey Lordly Tailor, especificamente
Adrian. 10 dias depois, eles receberam cartão telefônico Mask * demasque's.
Por causa disso, Atmey decidiu preparar uma armadilha para o ladrão: a câmera.
Atmey também decidiu não se arriscar e aguardou no local próprio.
Foi tudo por nada, no entanto, porque ninguém veio através da porta
todos! No entanto, a urna ainda estava roubada! Isso é impossível!
Apresentar o cartão de chamadas. Atmey está impressionado que você conseguiu obter uma
pedaço de informações restritas. Atmey permitirá agora Phoenix & co. para
examinar o armazém, e ele vai deixar de olhar para outras pistas. Nós
encontrá-lo mais tarde no "Atmey Detective Agency". Examine a coisa verde
no terreno. Acontece que este é o Shichishito. É estranho
dobrado, como se fosse usada para acertar alguma coisa. Desta vez, será
adicionada ao registro do tribunal. Head on over para o outro lado da sala,
e examinar a estátua. Não era bem perto da porta, quando viu Phoenix
passado? Agora, a estátua foi movida! A estátua será atualizado no
registro de corte. Examine o computador seguinte. Phoenix conferirá imprima o
dados, e vai descobrir que a câmara tomou uma foto naquela noite. O
dados da câmera serão adicionados os registros do tribunal. Voltar para a principal "
Exhibition Hall ".
Gumshoe chamará, dizendo que ele pegou Mask * démasqué! Bem, mais como
Demasque rendido. Cabeça para o "Centro de Detenção".
Aguardar. Esse cara é Mask * démasqué!?!? Isso veio do nada! Ele
se apresenta como Ron DeLite. Fale com ele sobre a "Máscara * demasque". Ele
afirma que ele é Mask * demasque, e ele tem um favor a pedir-lhe. Mas,
Por ora, falar de "Urna sagrada". Ron afirma que ele não pode devolvê-lo,
como ele parece ter perdido! Fale com ele sobre "Lost-lo?". Sim, ele apenas
perdido em algum lugar, e ele não se lembra onde perdeu. Agora falar
sobre "Dessie". "Dessie" é a abreviação de "Desiree", e apenas acontece assim
ser esposa de Ron. Por que ela se casou com um cara manso é pouco além de mim. Ele quer
você falar com ela no seu esconderijo ", bem, na verdade, seu apartamento
edifício. Head to "Hideout demasque's".
Se você me perguntar, o esconderijo de Ron "é mais como um paraíso fanboy do que
qualquer outra coisa. E quem melhor para mostrar-se mais Desiree DeLite. She's
muito lindo. De qualquer forma, falar com ela sobre "Ron DeLite". Desiree states
that Ron has quite the imagination, and because of that, he tends to get
iludidos. É bem possível que ela não sabe sobre seu marido
identidade secreta. Agora, falar sobre "Desiree DeLite". Ela prefere ter
muita ação em sua vida. Ela também menciona que Ron tem toneladas de
dinheiro, e ele recebe o verde de seu trabalho como um guarda de segurança. Aguardar. A
guarda de segurança? Isso é interessante. Fale com ela sobre "A noite do
crime ". Ela estava sendo perseguido por um policial por excesso de velocidade, e ela
gostei. Parece que ela já tem um álibi. Quando ela chegou em casa, Ron
estava dormindo. Isso significa, basicamente, Ron não tem álibi.
Agora perfil presentes Mask * demasque's. Ela afirma que Ron tem iludido
se a pensar que ele está Mask * démasqué! Uhhhh ... Come again?
Fale com ela sobre "Delírios". Acontece que o Ron é tão tímido, ele
Olha para os valores de um herói muito mais do que devia. Ela então mãos
Phoenix uma carta para dar a Ron. Desiree carta será acrescentada à
registro de corte. Agora a cabeça de volta para o "Centro de Detenção" e apresentar o
carta que você só tem que Ron. Ele vai levá-lo e lê-lo. Será que ele tem para
lê-lo na frente de nós? Na carta, Desiree insta Ron ter Phoenix
ser seu advogado de defesa. Escolha a "levar o seu caso". Pearl vai ficar chateado
e correr de volta para o "Escritórios Wright & Co. Law". Siga lá.
Pearl irá correr para limpar o banheiro (estranho, considerando que a Phoenix
já limpei ...). Fale com a Maya sobre "Pearl". Phoenix encontraram pela primeira vez
Pearl durante o caso de assassinato em Kurain Village, e parece ter começado
a idéia errada sobre ele e Maya, considerando que ela chama Maya
Phoenix alguém especial ". Maya diz que a sua porque a sua sorte de um
costume na aldeia. Discussão sobre "Kurain Village Custom". Há
quase todos os homens da aldeia, porque somente as mulheres da família Fey
pode herdar os poderes espirituais. Um tempo depois de casar com uma mulher Fey,
eles começam a se sentir excluído, e decide ir embora. Pearl pai deixou
da aldeia, quando ela era muito jovem, e ela cresceu vendo apenas infeliz
casamentos todos ao seu redor. Pobre menina. Falar de "Maya" agora. Maya é
Primo só de Pearl, e por causa do caso de assassinato no ano passado, é agora
sua família só. Veja, mãe de Pearl, Morgan, tentou enquadrar Maya para
assassinato, e foi considerado culpado de conspiração. Ela está servindo agora ela
pena de prisão. É o mesmo para Maya, mãe ausente.
Falar sobre "a mãe de Maya". Se você vai se lembrar de The Game em primeiro lugar,
Mãe de Maya, Misty, o mestre atual da canalização Kurain
Técnica, canalizou o espírito de uma vítima de assassinato, que fixou tarifas
contra um homem. Esse homem, porém, foi declarada inocente. Pessoas
começou a chamá-la de uma fraude, e, com vergonha, saiu da aldeia e caiu
da face da terra. Se Misty não volta para a aldeia
Tempo de 3 anos, ela vai ser declarada morta, e Maya, sua única filha,
herdará o título de "Mestre". Retorna Pearl e admite que ela
estava agindo como um bebê. Ela então sai para coletar alguns dados sobre
ela própria. There's nothing more to do here, so head out to the "Main
Exhibition Hall".
Adrian is here, and she is EXTREMELY distraught over the loss of the
urn. Talk to Adrian about "DeMasque's calling card". She'll confirm the
info Atmey gave you: she hired Atmey 20 days ago, and 10 days ago, they
got the card. She'll reveal a little more by saying that Atmey urged
Adrian not to call the police. Huh. That's strange. Lordly Tailor's
security is top-notch, probably their way of saying "Bring it on!" Bem,
looks like DeMasque showed them that he was a top-tier thief, and that
they couldn't possibly outwit him. Now talk about "The security". Adrian
states that the urn's value after appraisal was pretty much zero. What a
waste! She even polished it to make it look more valuable (Remember
this!)! Anyways, Atmey was in charge of all the security arrangements.
However, five days ago, she began receiving tons of stuff from Kurain
and the associated temples. None of the people carting the items in
could have been DeMasque, because Adrian checked them herself. Eu não
think we'll be getting anything else out of her, so let's check if Atmey
is in his office yet.
That monocled freak is indeed here, so let's have a chat with him. Falar
to him about "The night of the crime". Atmey states that this was his
fifth run-in with his arch-nemesis, and that he won't allow anyone else
to interfere with his pursit of the thief. In fact, Atmey first
encountered him when he stole the "Tear of Emanon". But with Atmey's
trap set up with Lordly Tailor's assistance, how did DeMasque get in?
What was his modus operandi (M.O.)? Talk to Atmey about the "Sacred Urn"
próximo. Atmey's only interested in one thing and that's Mask*DeMasque. O
item that was stolen was merely the lure to reel him in. Seems like he
doesn't know about the urn's true value. Talk about "DeMasque's M.O.".
How did Atmey miss Mask*DeMasque stealing the urn when he was the only
one on guard that night? The background will fade out, tons of chains
appear, and a red lock will show up as well. If this sounds familiar,
then it can only be one thing: a Psyche-Lock! Talk about "Psyche-Lock"
now if you want to. Phoenix will explain to Maya what a Psyche-Lock is,
and she'll be astounded that the Magatama can do that! Anyways, we
already have all the evidence we need, so let's get cracking!
Phoenix states that there's no way Atmey could have missed DeMasque.
Atmey says that he was guarding the warehouse, but no one came through
the door at all. Show Atmey the Camera Data to prove that someone indeed
emerged though the door; it went off once that night, remember? Atmey
did see someone that night! The question is, why is he trying to hide
ele? Maybe he was "unconcious"! Atmey will shrug off your suggestion and
will tell you to prove it. Present the Shichishito; it's been bent, as
if it's been used to hit someone on the head! Unlock successful!
Talk to Atmey about "DeMasque's M.O." agora. He'll confirm your theory by
saying that DeMasque hit him over the head with the sword. Atmey never
saw him coming, and suggests that maybe he came in elsewhere. O
Shichishito will be updated in the court record. Atmey never saw the
thief! It may not be DeMasque after all! Atmey says that it could have
only been Mask*DeMasque. He has the photo proving it! The Security
Camera Photo will be added to the court record. Atmey states that
DeMasque had a good reason for stealing it, after all. Talk to Atmey
about "DeMasque's reason". Atmey states that there should be a green
envelope in his room. He wants you to go and get it. We've already
accomplished what we came here to do, so let's go back to the hideout.
The envelope should be on the table in the corner. Examine it, and
Phoenix will learn that it's a blackmail letter! It's ordering Ron to
pay $50,000, or else his identity will be exposed! The Blackmail Letter
will now be added to the court record. Someone rings the doorbell, and
it turns out to be none other than... LARRY BUTZ!!! That's right, ladies
and gentlemen, the Butz has returned to cause more trouble. Fale com ele
about "Larry Butz". It seems that over the last two years, he chased one
of his many girlfriends to Tibet, where he met another pretty girl. Aquele
girl chose Hollywood over him, and as a result, he's lost his trust in
mulheres. He's got yet another part-time job, this time as a security
guarda. Now ask about "Why you came here". It turns out he found Ron's
wallet, and it's added to the court record. He's come to return it, or
so he says. I suspect that he's actually here for Desiree. Now ask about
the "Wallet". He found the wallet at his part-time job. Larry also adds
that Ron works there. He even produces a key card from Ron's wallet. O
card belongs to the security company; specifically, it allows access to
the CEO's office. The Key Card will now be entered into the court
record. Present the Key Card back to Larry. He says that there's a
record of that card's usage, but he can't provide those records. The Key
Card will be updated in the court record. Now present the Blackmail
Letter. Larry will be initialy dumbfounded, but when he realizes that
the note is for Ron, he'll state that the name of the company they work
for is called "KB Security". Talk to him about that.
Larry states that KB Security is about 30 minutes by car from the
apartment, and, by extension, Lordly Tailor. If Ron was at KB Security
the night of the crime, there's no way he'd be at Lordly Tailor stealing
the urn! Pearl calls Phoenix's phone and says that she's lost. Ela tentou
to go to Lordly Tailor, but ended up at Atmey's office. Why don't we
head over there and pick her up?
Well, Pearl is here, but there's also a duffel bag on the table. Examine
ele. Just as Phoenix is about to take a hard and smooth object out, Atmey
shows up and Phoenix is caught red-handed. Well, now that he's here,
let's take the opportunity to talk with him. Talk with him about
"Tomorrow's trial". He'll be testifying tomorrow, and he's sworn to take
down Phoenix & co. as DeMasque's co-conspirators! Is this guy insane or
what? He'll also state that the prosecutor for the case will be "Godot".
Talk to him about that next. Apparently, Godot is so good that even
Edgeworth speaks highly of him! That must be one talented man! Now talk
about "DeMasque's identity". He's certain that Ron is DeMasque!
Apparently, he hasn't been to KB Security yet. This ends the
investigation, and the stage is set for one exciting trial! Save your
Ron is still insisting upon his guilt. But the fact that he doesn't have
the urn casts a lot of suspicion on his confession. You now also have
the Mask*DeMasque Publicity Photo added to the court record. Tempo para
make a difference.
At last we meet Godot. He drinks a lot of coffee, and wears a wierd mask
that covers his eyes. In fact, this is his first trial. Hein? Isn't he
undefeated? "I've never lost. I've never won before either," he says.
Man, he is one cool customer. He also purposefully mispronounces
Phoenix's last name as "Trite", and claims that he's returned from Hell
to do battle with him in court. He also doesn't give out an opening
statement and goes straight to the first witness: Detective Dick
Gumshoe. Poor Gumshoe doesn't even get to state his name and profession!
Godot forces him to go into his testimony.
-Mask*DeMasque is a master thief that first started his crime spree 6
meses atrás.
-He's so confident that he sends his calling card before he even commits
the crime!
-This was his fifth heist, and as usual, he sent a card on to Lordly
-His pattern is to always go after only the most precious art pieces.
-That's why we're sure it's Mask*DeMasque, sir. It fits his M.O. to a T!
Espere um minuto! Didn't Adrian tell us that the urn's estimated value
after appraisal was close to zero? That means that DeMasque couldn't
have gone after it, as it wouldn't fetch a lot of money! Counter
Gumshoe's fourth statement, the one about precious art pieces, with the
Sacred Urn. Godot states that if Mask*DeMasque did not steal the urn,
then the thief must be a fake. The judge asks the defense for proof that
it was a fake that stole the urn. Compare the publicity photo with the
camera photo. What's missing? The broach. The DeMasque in the publicity
photo is wearing it, but the DeMasque in the camera photo is not!
Present the Security Camera Photo, and when the judge asks for
clarification, point to the chest/neck area. Godot counters, however, by
presenting the broach in question. Godot found it at the crime scene,
behind Ami Fey's statue. Godot also says that Ron's fingerprints are all
sobre ele. *gulp* The judge notices that the broach was torn off of some
clothing; there's still a little piece of cloth left on the back.
DeMasque's Broach will now be added to the court record. Godot takes the
chance to call his next witness: Luke Atmey, the Ace Detective. He'll be
testifying about the night of the crime.
-It was appoximately 1 o'clock in the morning... just after the date
-That's when my nemesis, the infamous Mask*DeMasque, dancingly decended
upon me!
-Just as I began to turn, the coward struck a fierce blow upon my noble
-Darkness swallowed me before I could land a single strike. Quando eu
awoke, he was gone.
-Thirty minutes later, I used an emergency phone to notify the police!
Hold up. Didn't DeMasque's broach get torn off during a furious round of
fisticuffs? Present DeMasque's Broach to Atmey's statement that he was
rendered unconcious before he could do battle. Atmey claims that he
confused this case with another one, and will testify again.
-Indeed, it's true that I looked away from the door for a brief moment.
-However... Luke Atmey cannot be so easily discombobulated!
-Unfortunately, the thief grabbed a weapon from the side and... processado
me senseless.
-A true gentleman fights only with his own fists... But they were not
-His first blow struck true! Bam! ...And that's all she wrote.
Unfortunately, the contradiction isn't here right now, so all we can do
is press. Begin by pressing Atmey's fifth statement. Ask about the
"Atmey Fighting Style" when given the chance. Basically, all one has to
do is put their backs to the wall. That way, they can't get hit from
atrás. When the judge asks about this statement, bluff and say that "It
was very important". The following will then be added to the testimony:
-I put my back to the wall to fight, but the thief's blow landed upon my
third eye.
Counter this new statement with the Shichishito; Atmey said yesterday
that he was struck from behind with it. There's no way he had his back
to the wall! Phoenix also states that the fact that Atmey hid the card
from the police was very strange. It seems as if maybe he was afraid
they'd stage a stakeout! When the judge asks the defense what they're
up to, declare that "Mr. Atmey is Mask*DeMasque!" Yup, you heard me!
Everything seems to fit. Atmey was concealing his presence at the crime
scenes and waited for the moment to strike! There was no need to rig the
camera, because he wanted it to go off! At that moment, Godot throws
his coffee straight at Phoenix's head! There's no proof that Atmey stole
the urn! The box may have been empty! When the judge asks you for your
proof, tell him the sad truth that the proof "has yet to be found!"
That's when Desiree shows up with the duffel bag from Atmey's office.
Lo and behold, it's the Sacred Urn! It's immediately updated in the
registro de corte.
Godot counters, however, stating that she could be lying about her
"find" in Atmey's office. Even Atmey's fingerprints on the urn wouldn't
be enough, since he was guarding it! Mas espere! Didn't Phoenix touch it
in Atmey's office yesterday? Propose to "Show fingerprints on the urn".
When the judge asks for whose, present Phoenix's own profile. If his
fingerprints are on it, then it's the same object that was found in
Atmey's office! Plus, since Adrian polished the urn earlier, only his
fingerprints would be on it! Atmey breaks down and confesses. Mas antes
the judge can announce the verdict, Ron charges the stand and
confesses to his guilt! Godot will allow him to testify.
-The truth is, I've been Mask*DeMasque all along!
-I mean, you can't prove that I'm not actually Mask*DeMasque, can you?
-I don't have an alibi for the night the urn was stolen, after all!
-I donned my costume that night and dancingly descended upon the scene
of the crime!
-Look! You can see right there in the photo! That's me!
-As for my broach, I snagged it on the door handle, and it got torn off,
that's all!
Doesn't have an alibi, huh? Well, we'll just see about that. Present the
Card Key against Ron's third statement, the one about having no alibi.
He was at KB Security that night, remember? Godot will ask for proof
that Ron was there that night. So, present the Blackmail Letter. Ele foi
supposed to go there that night in response to the letter, remember?
Godot will now ask for a witness, so present Larry's profile. Ele foi
there that night at KB, so he would know who came and went that night.
After a short while, Godot states that the CEO of KB Security is named
Kane Bullard. No one could contact him at all, but they did confirm that
the key card was used at 1 AM that night. *sniffs* Ahhhh. Smells like an
airtight alibi to me. The Key Card is updated in the court record. E
so, the judge pronounces Ron DeLite Not Guilty of larceny.
As everyone (but Ron) celebrates in the lobby, Godot shows up to inform
them that Kane Bullard was murdered. The estimated time of death was
1:00 AM on October 12th. The only person that could have met with him at
the estimated time of death was... Ron DeLite! Uh-oh! Now Ron's under
arrest again, this time for murder! And it's all Phoenix's fault! Salvar
seu jogo.
Back in the office, Pearl will take the Sacred Urn back to Kurain to get
it examined; there's a chance that it's not the real urn. Talk about the
"Sacred Urn". Maya and Phoenix discuss the possibility of the urn being
a forgery. Talk about "Kurain Village" next. Since Maya hasn't been
training for a while, she's been thinking of going to a dojo to do just
aquele. Looks like she's still a little shaken up from that murder case a
year ago. When a spirit is summoned, the medium's soul disappears while
the spirit controls the body for the duration of the channeling. Se o
spirit goes out of control, it could have serious consequences. Bem,
that's enough reminicing for a while, so let's hear what Desiree has to
say about the murder; she's at the hideout.
Desiree swears that Ron's not a killer, and Phoenix swears that he'll
clear up this entire mess. Talk about "Ron DeLite". Desiree states that
she doesn't keep any secrets from Ron and vice-versa. Apparently, for
Desiree, it was love at first sight. Talk about "Love at first sight?".
Desiree states that the reason she fell in love was because Ron saved
her life. See, she was at work, when a robbery occured. She tried to
fight back, so the robbers took her hostage. That's when one of the
security guards, namely, Ron, flew into a frenzy, and subdued them.
After that, they started to see each other until they decided to tie the
knot. Now, talk about "Detective Atmey". It turns out that Desiree hates
cowards more than anything. She went to Atmey's office to try to get
some answers. His secretary tried to stop her, but she managed to get in
and saw the duffel bag. The rest is history. Now, talk about "KB
Security". Desiree knows all about KB since Ron works there. But what
did Godot say? He WAS one of the top security guards for the company.
She'll give you directions to KB now, so take advantage of her
generosity and head for the "CEO's Office".
Aqui estamos. The scene of the crime. Turns out that Gumshoe is here too.
He's just as angry at Godot as we are; he was in the dark about the
murder as well. Talk to him about "What happened". Bullard's corpse was
discovered at 9:00 in the morning. The cause of death was blunt force
trauma to the head (he was hit with a blunt object). Kane's Autopsy
Repot will be added to the court record. When Maya asks why it took them
an entire day to find the body, Gumshoe responds by stating that Bullard
was locked away inside his own safe. He was discovered by chance when
someone opened the safe. But we still need more info about Bullard, so
present Bullard's profile. For some reason Gumshoe's been blabbering
like an idiot, so now's our chance! Talk about "The victim". KB
basically sends out teams of security guards to other buildings to
protect them. Bullard managed to get a lot of info doing this. Seems he
was a bit of a moneygrubber as well. He did some shady buisness in order
to build his empire, though. KB also used to head security operations
for the Mask*DeMasque heists, but because he always got away, the
company's reputation took a nosedive. Now talk about "Detective Atmey".
Gumshoe's glad that Atmey finally got what he deserved in regards to the
crime. Atmey was always around whenever a calling card showed up. E
por quê? Because he was scoping out his next heist! But Gumshoe is still
stumped about the first heist, when the Tear of Emanon was stolen. Lá
was a witness for that heist, and Gumshoe managed to save the news story
detailing it. Maya recognizes the guard in the photo. Could that guard
be Ron? The Newspaper Clipping will be added to the court record. Agora
talk about "Prosecutor Godot". Gumshoe says that Godot is a literal
enigma. His entire background is shrouded in mystery, and no one can
figure out what he did before becoming a prosecutor. There's also no
chance that Godot is an amateur; he's just too skilled. Time to take a
look around. Examine that big button on the wall. Gumshoe says that its
an emergency buzzer, which is used to summon security when needed.
There's no way the buzzer was used, at least by the victim; there's no
fingerprints on it. The CEO Office Buzzer will be added to the court
record. Now, let's look at the binder. It's all about the DeMasque
heists! Seems that Bullard was obsessed with the guy. Kane's List will
be added to the court record. Next, examine the safe. Gumshoe says that
there's only one person who knows how to open the safe that's related to
the case: Head of Security Ron DeLite. We're all done here, so let's go
to the "Security Room".
Uh-oh. It's Larry. Larry's got some good info, but he won't give it to
Phoenix. Time to pry it out of him. Talk about "Good info". Ron was once
an employee, and Larry figured he'd take a look into his background.
Turns out that Ron was fired a year ago for some unknown reason. Lá
was no report about the incident either. Now talk about "Security
guard". Larry states that his job is tough. For example, he has to watch
those monitors all the time. When something suspicious happens, he has
to call security for backup. Now talk about "The night of the crime".
When Phoenix asks if Larry was at his post during the night of the
crime, wouldn't you know it, it's a Psyche-Lock. Time to crack him open.
Phoenix asks if Larry was working hard on the job during the night of
the crime, like a good little employee should. Larry stutters that he
was indeed working hard that night. Phoenix remembers that Larry snuck
out of work yesterday to see Desiree, so there's a good chance that he
snuck out that night too. When Larry asks for proof that he snuck out
that night, present Ron's Wallet. Larry found it on the first floor of
Ron's apartment building that night, remember? There goes one lock!
Larry states that his shift started at 10 PM that night, so the murderer
could have snuck in before then. Present the Key Card to show him the
error of his ways; it was used at 1 AM that night, as we just learned
during the trial earlier today. Unlock sucessful!
Now talk about "The night of the crime". Larry says that it's his fault
that Bullard was killed. It turns out that Larry left to see his
girlfriend, Donna, and immediately got floored by her hulk of a "new"
namorado. Larry swears that he'll do whatever it takes to make up for
his mistake. Take advantage by presenting him the CEO Office Buzzer,
then talk about the "Emergency buzzer" It, like the key card, should
have a record of usage. Larry does some work on the computer and
discovers that it was used once that night, at around 1 AM, the time of
the murder! Apparently, whoever pressed it was wearing gloves. Se
that's the case, who pressed the buzzer that night? The Buzzer Record
will be added to the court record. We've milked Larry for all he's
worth, so head for the Basement Warehouse.
As expected, Adrian's here, and she's still in quite a state. Good thing
that the Urn has been recovered. She looks quite happy now. Talk about
"DeMasque's identity". Adrian's already heard the news about Atmey. Não
much else, though, just info that we already know. Talk about "The night
of the crime". Turns out that Adrian didn't know about the murder and
the man that's being suspected for doing the deed. Also, Adrian didn't
see Atmey the entire time that night. Finally, talk about the "Sacred
Urn". When Maya asks about why the urn seems a little different than
before, Adrain throws up a Psyche-Lock. We don't have our evidence yet,
so let's see what Ron has to say.
This time, Ron will tell Phoenix the truth, every little bit of it, so
let's get started, shall we? Talk about "Mask*DeMasque". Ron's still
insisting that he's DeMasque, but he did not steal the urn. So it WAS
Detective Atmey in the photo after all! Now talk about "The night of the
crime". Ron made his way to the CEO's office to confront Bullard. When
no one told him to enter, Ron used his key card to unlock the door. Quando
he entered, someone else was inside; they immediately knocked Ron out
and presumably fled. Ron then saw the CEO's corpse and shoved it into
the safe. Ron fled the building undetected; due to his history with the
company, he knew all about the security cameras. Now talk about "Why you
were fired". Ron begs Phoenix and Maya not to tell Desiree that he was
fired; she has no idea, after all. He fears that she may leave him if
she found out that he was a criminal. He became a thief in the first
place because of Desiree's spending habits; there was no other job that
could rake in enough money. Now present the Newspaper Clipping. Ron
almost got caught; to avoid being arrested, he hid his costume inside a
trash can, and changed into his uniform. The man in the photo IS Ron!
The Newspaper Clipping will be updated in the court record. Atmey found
the costume right away. That's why he was dressed like that during the
heist. After the first heist, Ron began recieving blackmail letters. Agora
talk about "Blackmail letter". The blackmail letter we currently have
was the first one that told him to go to a specific location.
The first letter threatened to reveal his identity if he didn't do as
the blackmailer said. Ron had no choice but to give the blackmailer the
Tear of Emanon. After putting it in the specified deposit box, he
recieved $10,000 from a mysterious benefactor. After that, Ron started
getting heist plans in the mail. Talk about "Heist plans" now. The plans
were quite detailed; they told him what to steal, how to avoid being
caught, and where to deposit the treasure. In compensation, he kept
getting vast amounts of money. Ron's Testimony will now be added to the
registro de corte. Pearl will return with the urn. She had it run though some
tests, and they confirmed that it was authentic. But that still doesn't
explain its current appearence. The urn will be re-filed into the court
record. Now, let's head back to the warehouse.
Adrian's still here, but we're not quite ready to pick her locks yet.
Examine the box. The paint on the box is the same paint that's currently
on the urn! The Urn Box will be added to the court record. Now examine
the paint stain near the door. The imprint on the floor matches the
shape of the box. The Paint Marks will be added to the court record. AGORA
we can break that Psyche-Lock of Adrian's.
Phoenix asks Adrian if she knows anything about the Sacred Urn. She's in
charge of the Treasure Exhibit, after all. Phoenix states that the urn
that was found was not the same urn they know. Adrian hypothesises that
it's probably a forgery, so present the urn itself; Pearl just finished
telling us that it was proven to be authentic. The urn was broken a year
ago, and Phoenix hypothesises that it was broken again, this time fairly
recently. When Adrian asks for proof that it was broken recently,
present the Treasure Exhibit Poster; the lettering on the urn in the
poster reads "I AM", but the lettering on the current urn reads "AMI".
It's irrefutable proof that the urn was broken recently! There goes one
lock! Adrian now places the blame on one of the people at the photo
shoot, since she wasn't there. She even asks for proof that it was
broken at Lordly Tailor, so present the Urn Box; the paint on the box is
the same as the paint on the urn. The box was dropped when the urn was
inside, right here in the basement warehouse. To back it up, present the
Paint Marks; the shape in the stain is the same as the shape on the
bottom of the box! Unlock sucessful!
Now talk about the "Sacred Urn". Adrian admits that she broke the urn 2
weeks ago. After the photo shoot, Adrian was taking it down to the
warehouse for safe-keeping. While making her way to the door, she
tripped, dropping the box and knocking over the paint. Fearing the
worst, Adrian opened the box and the shattered pieces of the urn fell
into the mess of paint. Adrian then went to work reparing the urn, since
it's the most important treasure in all of Kurain Village. Fortunately,
Adrian had the sense not to misspell Ami's name again. No one saw the
urn again since she put it back together. The Sacred Urn will be updated
in the court record. Adrian says that she used Ami's statue to cover the
paint stain.
Talk about the "Ami Fey statue" now. The statue arrived on the day of
the crime around noon. That's when Adrian realized that it was the
perfect size to cover her tracks. It stayed that way until the night of
the heist, when someone moved it. The question is, who moved it? Ami
Fey's Golden Statue will be updated in the court record. That's it for
the investigation. Tomorrow, it'll be do or die time for Ron. Let's hope
that he's telling the truth... for his sake. Save your game.
There's a lot of buzz going on for Atmey's trial next door. Phoenix
states that today's trial will be a race against the clock. Se eles
don't hurry, the real murderer will get away. Time to do this.
Godot will spout nonsense while the judge summarizes the case. Godot
declares that once he finishes his 17th cup of coffee, the trial will be
over, and the verdict will be given. So, Godot wastes no time in calling
Ron as his first witness. Ron will testify about why he went to KB that
-That evening, around 1 AM, I went to see Mr. Bullard in his office at
KB Security.
-The blackmail letter I got... It ordered me to go there.
-I'd been working for KB Security until a year ago, so I knew where his
office was.
Start by pressing the statement about the blackmail letter. "Press
harder" when given the chance. Ron never intended to pay the cash in
question, since Bullard had nothing on him. The judge will now tell Ron
to revise his testimony to add this statement:
-The blackmail threat didn't scare me. It wasn't going to cause me
trouble or anything.
Now press the statement about working at KB. Ask him "Why he was fired".
Ron will admit that he was fired for selling company secrets. Ron will
now add the following to his testimony:
-He fired me for selling company secrets... but Dessie doesn't know
sobre isso.
Now press the statement about how the blackmail didn't scare him. Ron
was certain that it was about the whole Mask*DeMasque thing, but Godot
doesn't buy that. He says it may have been because of the whole firing
coisa. Ron says that that was over with once he was fired. Could he have
a problem, even 1 year later? "Yes, he would." Godot will ask why Ron
would want this incident under wraps, so present Desiree's profile; if
she had found out, Ron's worst fears would have become reality.
Unfortunately, this only helps Godot's case; he's got a motive now. Ron
will now testify about what happened that night.
-When I entered the office, there was a suspicious shadow there...
-Suddenly, I was hit on the forehead. After that, I remember being a bit
-If I hadn't been wearing that, I would have been killed!
-When I came to... Mr. Bullard was lying there... dead!
Start by pressing Ron's statement about wearing "that". "That" turns out
to be his Mask*DeMasque costume! That statement will be replaced by the
-I'd have been killed if I hadn't been wearing my Mask*DeMasque costume!
Press this statement. "Press harder" when given the chance. Ron hid
Bullard in the safe, but his cape got stuck in the door. It took him a
while to open it and take his cape back out. The following will now be
added to the testimony:
-I panicked and hid the body in the safe. It took about 10 minutes.
WaitwaitwaitwaitWAIT! Shouldn't the buzzer have been sounding during
those 10 minutes? He should have noticed it, right? Present the CEO
Office Buzzer against this statement. The only way for him not to have
noticed it going off, was if he was unconcious. Also, take into
consideration that Larry, the guard at the time, was gone. Ron couldn't
have known that there was no one on their way! Unless Ron hit the buzzer
while he was unconcious, that means that there was another person there,
just as Ron testified! That mysterious third party was the one to press
the buzzer! Godot counters by saying that Kane Bullard hit the buzzer.
Can Phoenix prove it? "I can prove it alright." Now, present the buzzer
in question; it has no fingerprints on it, remember?
Now the question becomes, "why would the killer have sounded the
buzzer?" The answer is "To call the security guard." They probably
WANTED security to come! If Larry was there and heard the buzzer, he
would have arrested Ron right away for the murder! Now, who is the real
killer? Present Atmey's profile; he discovered Mask*DeMasque's discarded
costume, so he would know that Ron was REALLY Mask*DeMasque! É por isso que
Atmey confessed; being convicted of grand larceny would give him an
alibi. The judge calls a recess while Phoenix heads over to the other
Now THAT's the Payne we all know and love (to hate). Another judge is
about to announce the verdict when Phoenix barges in and accuses Atmey
of murder! Things are REALLY starting to heat up! Save your game.
Maya raises a good question: why would Atmey want Bullard dead? What's
his motive? That question will be answered during the trial. Time for
the final showdown!
The judge orders Atmey to the stand. He'll testify about the night of
the murder.
-I was stealing the urn as Mask*DeMasque, just as I announced I would...
-I had more than enough time to prepare. It was a pathetically easy job.
-A photograph contains no words... But in this case, one turned out to
be my witness.
-The time at which the camera captured Mask*DeMasque was the same time
as the murder!
Press the statement about the crime and the murder at the same time.
Godot says that there's no way the time stamp was rigged, since Lordly
Tailor owned the camera, and they also printed the picture. Now press
the first two statements. On the first statement, "give it up"; there's
no way Atmey had an accomplice. After the second statement, Maya will
say that if Atmey stole the urn while he was on watch, his "Ace" status
would have been null and void. Now, press the statement about the
picture being a witness. Atmey says that the photo is the proof that he
stole the urn. That's odd. It's as though he had it taken on purpose!
Now think about it. Isn't there something odd about the photo? "You bet
there is."
Point to the paint marks on the floor. There's something missing in the
photo that should be there, covering up the paint. If you've been
following along, you should know what it is. Present Ami Fey's Golden
Estátua. Who moved the statue? Present Atmey's profile. There's no one
else it could have been. Why did he move it? It's in the photo. Se o
statue had been there that night all along, he would've been exposed.
Now, point to the timestamp. There's no date on it! That's right, the
photo was taken a couple of days before he murdered Bullard!
Godot will counter by asking Atmey what his strategy entailed. O
answer will come in the form of a testimony.
-I first recieved the request from Lordly Tailor about 20 days ago.
-The urn was placed in a box, and Zvarri! It was then sent to the
-Hence, I was unable to see the urn for myself until the day of the
-I knew it was an extremely valuable treasure, so I sent my card 10 days
-I then handled security myself to ensure that my crime would go
-At last, I held the urn in my hands for the first time at 1 AM on
October 12th.
This one is a little tricky. Take a look at the calling card. Ela diz
"Take good care of the speckled urn, won't you...?" Now, how would Atmey
have known that the urn had paint on it, unless he already saw it before
the night of the crime? Present the Calling Card against Atmey's sixth
statement, the one about first holding it on the night of the crime.
This means that Atmey's alibi no longer stands up!
Godot counters by saying that Atmey has no motive. Atmey will testify
about Ron's motive.
-I, Luke Atmey, had no points of contact with the victim whatsoever.
-Kane Bullard decided to investigate Mask*DeMasque and simply mistook
who he was!
-It was Mr. Bullard who wrote the blackmail letter and sent it to Ron
-And it was again Mr. Bullard who harbored a grudge against Mr. DeLite
for his betrayal!
-Mr. Bullard's mistake is quite excusable. The defendant truly believes
he is Mask*DeMasque!
-That is why Mr. DeLite saw it fit to kill Kane Bullard. Truly a
Before cross-examination, Godot states that a handwriting analysis
confirmed that Bullard wrote the blackmail letter. It will be updated in
the court record. Now, let's tear Atmey's testimony apart!
This testimony is as tricky as the last one, so this time, take a look
at the letter itself. It has the following phrase: "If you don't, I'll
take that red diamond you recieved the other day instead." As far as we
know, Ron never stole a red diamond. A blue diamond yes, a red one, no.
Could Bullard be referring to the diamond that Atmey's wearing right
agora? If so, Bullard was blackmailing Atmey, not Ron! Present the
Blackmail Letter to counter Atmey's statement that Bullard sent the note
to Ron. Now, show off the Newspaper Clipping to prove your point. Agora
present Atmey's profile to show who Bullard was blackmailing.
Now, Godot asks what the "identity" in the letter refers to, if it was
sent to Atmey. This is simple. Remember what Ron told us yesterday: he
was blackmailed into commiting those crimes. So it might have been
Atmey's identity as "a blackmailer"!
Godot counters by asking how Atmey knew Ron was the thief. Present the
Newspaper Clipping; Ron said he hid his suit in a trash can, remember?
Atmey babbles like a madman, and the judge thinks that everything's been
tied up quite nicely. That's when Godot objects. There's no proof that
Atmey killed Kane Bullard! And now, we "can't prove it." And, thanks to
the court rule of Double Jeopardy, once Atmey goes back to his original
trial, he can't be charged with the murder again! Atmey says that Ron is
the murderer as he heads back to his trial, and that's when a familiar
voice shouts "Objection!" That's right! Maya has just channeled Mia! E
the most suprised of the bunch seems to be Godot. Now, why is that?
Anyways, Mia states the comments Atmey just made qualify as testimony,
and, as such, the defense has the right to cross-examine him again.
Godot agrees, and so Atmey will testify one more time.
-Indeed, it is true that I was not at Lordly Tailor.
-I had to leave to see about another vitally important job request.
-I had known about the date beforehand, so I had this photograph
-My brilliant deduction was what informed me that the true culprit was
Ron DeLite.
-And thanks to the Key Card and Wallet, it was abundantly clear that he
was there.
-I was also able to make a deduction from the buzzer, which only sounded
-The button did not have any fingerprints on it... Por quê?
-The victim would have left prints if he sounded it. Which means the
killer sounded it.
-Mr. DeLite was wearing his Mask*DeMasque outfit, which is why he left
no prints.
-And, the blackmail letter? The victim likely just mistook the color of
the jewel.
-Zvarri! Therefore, all the evidence points to that poor boy!
É isso. One last cross-examination. Press the wrong statement or
present any piece of evidence, and it's game over. With that said, press
the statement about how Ron was wearing his Mask*DeMasque costume. Atmey
said earlier that he couldn't have known what was going on while he was
fora. And remember when Ron told us when he was wearing his costume; he
told us just this very day. The only way for Atmey to have known that
Ron was wearing his costume was if he was at KB that night!
Atmey goes nuts again as he laughs with madness! And, thanks to Double
Jeopardy, Ron can't be found guilty for grand larceny, even though he
really is Mask*DeMasque! The judge finds Ron Not Guilty of killing Kane
Back in the lobby, Ron is angsting over the fact that Desiree won't love
him any more. "A broken bowl can never be put back together," he says.
Time to prove him wrong by presenting the Sacred Urn; Adrian broke it,
but she picked it up and put it back together again. Desiree then shows
up and says that she loves her husband even more, because he came right
out and said that he was going to steal something, and that, in her
eyes, is bravery. Looks like they'll be alright. Save your game.
Case 3: Recipe for Turnabout [TURNREC]
Phoenix and Maya are catching up a couple of days after New Year's when
Gumshoe shows up, and he's not happy. He shows off an article from a
magazine as the cause of his irritation; it turns out that Phoenix lost
a case involving poison last month. Phoenix is a little stumped, as he
never took a murder case then. So if Phoenix didn't take the case last
month, then that leaves just one possibility: the Phoenix Wright that
lost the case was a FAKE! The Magazine Clipping will be added to the
registro de corte. Phoenix is hesitant to get into this latest mess, but Maya
and Gumshoe to convince him to take responsibility, especially if
someone's going around claiming to be him. Gumshoe heads back to the
courthouse to try and get a retrial started up. I think that it's time
to visit our "guilty" client. Head to the detention center.
M-M-M-M! Maggey Byrde! The first defendant from the last game is the
so-called "murderer" in this case! She seems to be as angry as Gumshoe
was! Phoenix calms her down by telling her everything that's happened so
far. If you'll remember, Maggey has been afflicted with the worst case
of bad luck in the entire known universe. She's really psyched now that
the REAL Phoenix Wright is in the house. Talk to her about "Maggey
Byrde". It turns out that ever since she left the police force, she's
been working as a waitress at a small French restaurant. Now talk about
"What happened". It all started on December 3rd, at "Tres Bien", the
aforementioned restaurant. She saw two men at a table, and they had
both ordered some coffee. She then saw one of the men put some sort of
powder, the poison, in the other man's coffee. The victim took a sip and
immediately died afterwards. After that, she passed out. When Maya asks
if she knew the victim, Maggey states that she had no clue who he was.
That means that she has no motive! Now talk about "Guilty verdict".
It turns out that she was convicted because no one else saw what she
saw; both the owner of the restaurant and the witness stated that there
was only one man, the victim, sitting at that table. She even had a
bottle of poison in her apron pocket! She believes that the real killer
must have put the poison in there while she was unconcious. Now ask
about "The other guy". She swears that there were two men at that table
because she was the one who served them. When she saw them there, she
thought that they were in the music buisness; one of them had an ear
piece and looked like some sort of emo musician. There was also a sample
CD on the table as well. She did get a look at the CD, and it had a
band name written on it. It was "MC"-something, but she can't remember
the last part. She also can't remember what the killer looked like, so
that's a no-go. Now, present the Magazine Clipping. Maggey states that
the man who looked like Phoenix was a little taller, had a shady look
to him, and talked with an accent. In short, the man was nothing like
the real deal. Phoenix now thinks that it's possible to get a retrial;
after all, the verdict was handed down in the absence of a real
attorney. Maggey, now reassured, tells Phoenix how to get to Tres Bien,
so head down there.
There's... no one here. Huh. That's strange. Anyways, examine the
newspaper that's jutting out from the magazine rack. It has a couple of
doodles on one of the pages. One scribble reads "$100,000", the other
reads "MC Bomber". Phoenix sees that the newspaper is from December 3rd,
the day of the murder! The Sports Paper will now be added to the court
record. Head back to the detention center and show Maggey the Sports
Paper. She's a little confused at first since Tres Bien doesn't get
newspapers. She does confirm, however, that the name on the CD was
indeed "MC Bomber". That means that the victim brought that newspaper
in. Move back to Tres Bien.
What's with this "Oo-la-la!" stuff? Ah. It's just the GIANT pink man who
happens to own the restaurant. His name is Jean Armstrong. Let's talk to
this freak of nature about his restaurant, "Tres Bien". Armstrong states
that his cuisine is not for everyone, and that's why there are literally
no people here. He's short on hands right now since Maggey's been
incarcerated. And poor him has had no one come to him seeking
employment. He's also a practitioner of aromatherapy, as well as being
the manager and head chef of the joint. Now talk about "What happened".
It happened a little after 1 PM. Armstrong was in the kitchen during
that time, when he heard a commotion coming from the dining room. Quando
he emerged, the victim was already dead. Armstrong also states that the
man was alone when he was killed. He wasn't the only one who saw him
alone though; the old man saw him as well. Talk to him about this "Old
man". This man came in around the time of the murder and saw everything
that happened. Now present Maggey's profile. He's not surprised that
Maggey was found guilty, especially after something happened in front
of him. According to him, Maggey may have had a motive after all. Falar
to him about "Maggey's motive". When Phoenix asks Armstrong about what
possible motive Maggey could have had, surprise, surprise, it's a
Psyche-Lock. Unfortunately, not only do we have no evidence whatsoever,
the Magatama has gone missing as well! But the fact that we could see
the locks means that it's close. Armstrong will give you directions to
"Vitamin Square" so that you can meet the witness, so head on down
There he is. It may look like he's feeding the pidgeons, but he's
actually chasing them OUT. Can anyone say, "cukoo?" I know that this
won't be revealed until later, but his name is Victor Kudo. Fale com ele
about "What you saw". He's not really listening to us. Talk about
"Maggey Byrde" now. Kudo doesn't know anyone by that name, but Maya
counters by saying that Maggey was the waitress at Tres Bien. Ele diz
that it's a disgrace nowadays that women are wearing more and more
revealing clothing. Now talk about "Tres Bien". Kudo keeps on talking
about the waitresses there, almost as if he has some sort of thing for
aquele. That must mean that he's a regular. Talk to him about "Tres Bien
regular" now. Kudo's silent for a bit, then goes back to throwing seeds
at the pidgeons. He must be hiding something, but since we don't have
the Magatama, we can't be certain. Examine the magazine on the
orange/bench now. It's has job listings inside. Kudo claims to have
thrown it away, but when Phoenix tries to tuck it away, he demands it
costas. Too late, the Job Listings have already been entered in the court
record. Move back to Tres Bien.
Present the job listings. Armstrong will think that Maya's come looking
for a job and whisks her away. Nothing more to do here, so head to the
"Criminal Affairs Dept." via the Detention Center.
As expected, Gumshoe is here, and he's anxious. Gumshoe also says that
the retrial was approved, and court will start at 10 AM the next day.
Unfortunately, Godot will be the prosecutor once again. Fale com ele
about "Maggey Byrde". Turns out that Gumshoe was Maggey's mentor when
she was in the force; he kept a rather close eye on her. It's pretty
obvious that he has a crush on her. Ahhh, love. Now talk about "The
victim". His name was Glen Elg, a computer programmer. Maggey never had
any sort of contact with him before his untimely demise. It was also his
first time at Tres Bien. Why would Maggey want to kill a first-time
customer? Gumshoe states that that's what he thought too, but a motive
was still established, somehow. Now talk about "The investigation". Ele
turns out that Gumshoe has gotten absolutely no help in the
investigation; he's doing most of it on his own. However, he needs to
read over the papers before court convenes tomorrow. One of the only
problems is Maggey's testimony; it has numerous contradictions in it.
Talk about the "Contradictions" next. The biggest contradiction was the
number of people at the table: she says there were two people, while
Armstrong and Kudo saw only one person. Then there's the CD Maggey
mentioned. No one could find it at all after a thorough sweep of the
restaurant. The earpiece he was wearing was for his radio; he didn't
have a CD player at all. The fake never explained that contradiction,
and neither did Armstrong. Phoenix feels that Armstrong may have
something to hide.
Present Armstrong's profile. Gumshoe can't help but feel that Armstrong
is involved with this mess somehow. Now talk to him about "The charming
chef." The stuff Gumshoe knows about Armstrong is mostly gossip, so he
won't give it up so easily. If Phoenix finds out something suspicious
about the chef, he may just let Phoenix in on a few secrets. Finalmente,
present the newspaper clipping. Gumshoe seems to have heard about
MC Bomber from somewhere, but can't remember anything about it. Gumshoe
wants to borrow the newspaper for a handwriting analysis, so Phoenix
obliges him. Head back to Tres Bien.
Hein? Who is this girl? She looks a bit creepy. She leaves and someone
else shoes up. Hein? Maya? Is that you? She's all decked out in the
Tres Bien uniform! Talk to Maya about being a "Waitress". Maya never
knew that there was so much to do being a waitress. Of course, she needs
to have a customer before she can do any of that. Now talk about the
"Lunch Special". Before Phoenix can get a word in otherwise, Maya gets
him a $45 Lunch special. Isn't that kind of spendy for just lunch?
Phoenix takes a bite and... ugh. No wonder no one comes to eat here!
Maya leaves Phoenix with the bill and he has no choice but to add the
Lunch Special to the court record. Now talk about "The Kitchen". Maggey
said that some of the chef's greatest secrets can be found in there.
Maya will show us the way to the "Kitchen".
Examine the countertop. Well, if it isn't Maya's Magatama! It will be
reinserted in the court record. Now examine the aromatherapy bottles.
There's a strange green bottle hidden amongst the other bottles. Aquele
bottle will be added to the court record. Head on back to Criminal
Gumshoe's got the results of the handwriting analysis. Acontece que
it's the victim's handwriting, as expected. The Sports Paper will be
refiled into the court record. Now present the Small Bottle. Quando
Phoenix explains all about the the bottle, Gumshoe will immediately
smell a rat. Gumshoe will ask to take the bottle for analysis, and
Phoenix once again obliges. Gumshoe has had his doubts about Armstrong,
and the bottle is all the proof he needs to relay that useful
information to us. Talk to him about "Armstrong's secret". It turns out
that Armstrong is about $500,000 in debt. Gumshoe will give you his loan
papers as proof. Head back to Vitamin Square.
It looks like Kudo's not here, but there's a strange pink moped here
em vez de. Examiná-lo. As soon as you do, a guy with spiky hair sporting a
really orange tan and a Brooklyn accent shows up and starts to literally
roar. He claims that HE is Phoenix Wright. Could he be Phoenix's fake?
He rides away on his scooter, and Phoenix will make a mental note of
the scooter, placing it in the court record.
Kudo's back, and this time, it's time to pry his secret out of him. Falar
to him about "Tres Bien regular" again. Sure enough, the topic has been
Psyche-Locked. Let's get this over with.
Phoenix tells Kudo that now's the time to tell the truth: why does he
keep going to Tres Bien if he dislikes it so much? Kudo states that he
goes there for the food. Uh-huh. Present the Lunch Special; it's so bad
that not even Maya would eat it. Plus, it's overpriced. Kudo states that
it's actually cheap for him. He's filthy rich and he burns that money
like there's no tomorrow. Show him the Job Listings; if he's rich, why
would he be looking for a job? There goes one lock. Kudo states that he
only orders coffee, or, as he puts it, the javaccino. He also says that
Tres Bien offers newspapers to read and that's why he goes there.
Present the Sports Paper; Maggey already said that Tres Bien doesn't get
newspapers. And another lock bites the dust. Now show him the real
reason why he goes to Tres Bien. Show him Maggey's profile. He keeps on
talking about the waitresses and their skimpy uniforms; maybe THAT's the
reason why he goes there every day. Unlock successful!
Now talk to him about "Tres Bien regular". Kudo admits that he indeed
goes there to watch the waitresses. He also gives out his name, if you
cuidado. Now, since Phoenix has shown him some disrespect, he's not going
to talk to him any more. Grrr! We need something or someone to pry his
mouth open again. Head back to Tres Bien.
Present Victor's profile to Maya. Phoenix asks Maya to come with him to
see Kudo. You'll automatically move to Vitamin Square, where Kudo
doesn't exactly like what he sees in Maya. She'll summon Mia, and he'll
finally be willing to talk. First, talk about "What you saw". Ele diz
that the man was strange-looking; anyone care to bet that the man was
the victim? Any takers? Não? OK. He saw Maggey go over to him, and says
that the man was alone when he was sitting at the table. One sip, and he
was dead. Next, talk about "Tres Bien". He lies and says that the food
is delicious. He also says a lot of superfluous stuff as well. Now talk
about "Tres Bien regular". He says that Armstrong is not to be trusted
and to watch out. It turns out that Armstrong in an ex-convict. WHAT!?!?
He's a convicted felon? That's news to me! Now talk about "Armstrong's
record". Kudo states that Armstrong is a kleptomaniac, meaning that he
steals stuff from his customers. He was arrested in front of some
patrons, even! Kudo will give you an note saying as much, which will be
added to the court record. Mia will leave, so head back to Tres Bien.
Armstrong's back and Maya's back in her Acolyte clothing, so it's time
to break Armstrong's Psyche-Lock.
Armstrong confesses that Maggey's motive was, apparently a winning
lottery ticket, worth $500,000! After the murder occured, the ticket
disappeared. This is the motive the prosecution came up with. Mas se
that was the case, why didn't Armstrong come out and say it? He's still
hiding something else. Now we want to know the reason why he tried to
cover it up. Show him who stole the lottery ticket by presenting his
very own profile. He gives out a high-pitched scream. I don't think that
first lock could even take it! Armstrong will refute your allegations,
so present Victor's Note; he's a convicted kleptomaniac, remember?
Again, Armstrong will refute your allegations, so present the Magatama;
it was eventually found in the kitchen itself. Another scream, another
lock broken. Armstrong then says that he had no need for that ticket.
Prove him wrong with his loan contract; Gumshoe said that Armstrong was
a little over $500,000 in debt. Unlock successful!
Now talk about "Maggey's motive". When Elg won the lottery, he
apparently yelled out, "Yes! Half a million!" Elg also had more than one
ticket, so Armstrong swiped one. Now talk about the "Winning ticket".
Phoenix accuses Armstrong of murdering Elg for the cash he needed to pay
off his debts. Godot jumps in, stating that the ticket Armstron stole
was a losing ticket worth $1. As such, he couldn't have been the
murderer. If so, what happened to the winning ticket? Godot states that
we'll find out in court tomorrow. Victor's Note will be discarded now.
Now that the investigation's done, it's time to prepare for court. Nós
can't let Maggey get the same verdict again! Save your game.
In the lobby, Gumshoe asks Phoenix to break his testimony for Maggey's
saquê. It might be a little tough since the all the evidence is in. So,
without further ado, let's get this retrial under way!
Well, Godot is the same as ever, but the judge seems a bit shaken up due
to the fake that was in court last time. Godot calls Gumshoe up to the
stand first. He states the victim's name and also says that he worked
for a computer firm called Blue Screens, Inc. He shows off the autopsy
report, which will be added to the court record. Gumshoe will also
present the floor plans to Tres Bien, which is also added to the court
record. Now, Gumshoe will testify about the crime itself.
-When the incident took place, the victim was alone at his table, sir.
-We understand that the guy, Glen Elg, was listening to the radio at the
-Traces of poison were found in his coffee cup.
-And what we found was potassium cyanide. That stuff really packs a
-And, um... it looks like Ms. Byrde might've had, well... some kind of a
For once, there's no solid contradiction in Gumshoe's testimony! Assim,
start by pressing the third statement, the one about the coffee cup.
Phoenix asks if the poison was liquid or powder. Gumshoe answers that it
was a powder, and when Phoenix argues that it could have been in the
sugar, Godot has Gumshoe counter by saying that the victim took his
coffee black, with no sugar. Now, "Press harder". Godot downs a whole
cup of coffee while presenting the cup in question. There's a coffee
stain on the lip of the cup, so there's no question that the victim
drank from it. Plus, only the victim's and defendant's fingerprints are
sobre ele. The Coffee Cup will be added to the court record.
Press the fourth statement, the one about the poison itself. Godot
states that only 0.2 grams is enough to be deadly! Now press the last
statement, the one about the motive. As expected, it's all about the
lottery ticket. "Press harder". The ticket in question will be added to
the court record. Now press the first statement, and "Press harder" when
given the chance. Godot will present a crime scene photo, which will be
added to the court record.
After those statements are pressed, Godot will present the defendant's
apron. There's coffee on it, as well as... blood? Godot didn't notice
that at all (how could a sane person miss anything as vitally important
as THAT!?) The "blood" actually turns out to be ketchup. But before the
whole "ketchup/blood" thing happens, the bottle of potassium cyanide
will be added to the court record. And after the ketchup fiasco, the
apron itself will be added to the court record. Now, Gumshoe will
testify about the crime scene itself and the investigation that
-The crime was reported at 2:55 PM by a kind of scary old man, sir.
-Poor Maggey had passed out from the shock. It must've been real tough
for her.
-The victim didn't have any identification on him.
-But we figured out who he was pretty quick, and then the investigation
went smoothly.
-When Maggey was searched, we found the lottery ticket and the bottle of
-And that was it. There was nothing else missing from the crime scene.
Hein? How'd they figure out who he was that quickly? Press the statement
about finding out who he was. Gumshoe states that they found a
prescription bag on the victim's table. By going to that clinic and
looking through the doctor's medical records, they managed to identify
a ele. "Ask about the prescription bag"; maybe the poison came from that
instead! The bag was empty when they found it, so that strenghtens our
argument! That bag will be added to the court record.
Now present said bag against Gumshoe's last statement, the one that says
that nothing was missing from the crime scene; if the bag was empty,
then something was missing from the crime scene after all!
Unfortunately, the bag reads "New Ear Otolaryngological Clinic". O
medicine was indended to be used on Elg's recently-deaf ear; topical use
in the ear canal only. Gah! "Push the medication issue". Even though it
was intended for use on his ear, it doesn't change the fact that it went
missing! THAT takes Godot down a peg. Gumshoe now requests to call his
own witness: Victor Kudo, the other customer at the restaurant. Court is
recessed while Kudo is found and brought in.
In the lobby, Maggey has lost all trust in Gumshoe. She probably doesn't
understand that Gumshoe had no choice in the matter. She still doesn't
understand by the sounds of it. Time to see how old Kudo will do in
Tribunal de Justiça.
Back in court, Kudo states that he embroidered kimonos in Japan, and
since there's not really any calling for that here in the states, he was
forced to be a cashier at a burger joint. After he's finished ranting,
he'll testify about what he saw that day.
-The young man was reading the sports paper.
-The serving girl brought him a javaccino... But she put something in
-The man took one sip of it, looked like he was in terrible pain, and
then collapsed.
-That's the serving girl, right there in the defendant's chair. I
remember her well!
Press the last statement, the one about him remembering her. Turns out
that the feature he remembers most is, not surprisingly, the uniform.
"Press harder" when given the chance. Kudo will now revise his testimony
with this statement:
-There was a ribbon in her hair, and her apron's straps were loose.
Press this statement. There's no doubt that he remembers her, but let's
"Ask about the waitress's back" now, shall we? People usually talk about
facial features of a person when they're asked about them. Mas
everything he saw was on the waitress's back. Kudo will now amend his
-There wasn't anything that caught my interest about her when I saw her
from the front.
Wait just a moment! Wasn't that apron stained with coffee and ketchup?
Present the Apron against this statement. The court will immediately
call his memory into question, so Kudo will testify about the victim.
-He was another of those pesky young types, wearing a broken pair of
-He had a newspaper in his right hand, and the noisy brat kept rustling
its pages!
-The young man was listening to the wireless. I remember that well.
-Then the serving girl in question brought over the javaccino.
-The little fidget picked up the cup with his free hand and took a sip.
If he was holding the newspaper in his right hand, then his free hand
would be his left hand. Take a look at the Coffee Cup. The handle is
pointing out to the right: that means that he drank from the cup using
his right hand, not his left hand. Present the Coffee Cup against Kudo's
last statement, the one about the free hand. Kudo will start causing a
fuss and wants to testify, and Godot allows it. Kudo will now start
-The boy was wearing his earpiece on the same side as the green lens of
his specs.
-He kept fiddling with it all the time.
-He was fiddling with it just before he picked up the cup, too.
-And then he used the same hand to pick up the cup. His left hand!
Kudo's really insistent, isn't he? Time for him to crash and burn.
Present the prescription bag against Kudo's last statement, the one
about his left hand. Wasn't the victim deaf in that ear? Kudo goes
ballistic and starts singing the pidgeon song! Kudo wants to testify one
more time and, again, Godot allows it. Time to face the music.
-First of all, I want to stress that this might be nothing. I'm not too
sure of myself.
-The young boy slumped over the table as soon as he took one sip of his
-Well, the clumsy idiot upset the vase! He knocked it right over.
-It broke, and the strip of cloth covering the table got completely
-Well!? How about that? Turned things upside-down, hmm?
This shouldn't be too difficult now. Present the Crime Photo against
Kudo's fourth statement, the one about the vase breaking. It turns out
that a vase WAS broken, but the vase in question was on Kudo's table.
The judge decides that he's heard enough and has the bailiff haul Kudo
out of the courtroom. Before he leaves however, he leaves behind a note
apologizing for the broken vase. That note will be entered into the
registro de corte. Time for some more investigation; there's still a few
mysteries left to clear up. Save your game.
Back in the office, Phoenix and Maya comment on the craziness that
happened during court today; trust me, things are going to get even
crazier before all is said and done. Head back to Tres Bien.
Gumshoe? What's he doing here? Apparently, he's been listening to a
radio show of some sort. Anywas, time to strike up a chat with him. Falar
about "Today's trial". He's distraught because he also feels that he
betrayed Maggey. That testimony he gave didn't help matters either. Agora
talk about the "Lunch special". Gumshoe can't find the words to describe
the taste, so Phoenix does it for him; it tasted bad. Now talk about
"The radio". Gumshoe is evasive, and out pops one lonely Psyche-Lock.
Let's get this over with.
Phoenix asks Gumshoe what he was listening to. Again, Gumshoe is
evasive, so show him the lottery ticket. Unlock successful! (HUH? That's
ele? That has got to be the shortest unlocking in all of the series!)
Now talk about "The radio". Gumshoe's usually lucky, so he thought that
he might as well have a shot at it. He only won 50 cents. What a ripoff!
The time is currently a little after 1:30 PM, and Gumshoe has a flyer
verifying that info; said flyer will be added to the court record.
Present Glen's profile. Gumshoe says that Elg was a genius when it came
to programming. He was also known as "the Walking Computer" at Blue
Screens before he exited, stage left, in the play known as life. Gumshoe
will give you directions to "Blue Screens, Inc.", so head over there
Uau. The place looks like some sort of laboratory out of a Sci-Fi flick!
A strange, blue-haired woman comes in, and introduces herself as Lisa
Basil, the company director. (On a side note, what's with all the
palindromes? First we have Elg, now her?) Talk about "Blue Screens,
Inc.". Lisa says that they produce software for other companies, and all
of their products are distributed on CDs. Now talk about "What
happened". Lisa didn't give the police any sort of information, since
Elg had no contact with Maggey whatsoever. Present Elg's profile. Ela
says that Elg had a little problem, but takes it back almost
imediatamente. That sounds suspicious. Talk about "Glen's troubles" now.
Unsurprisingly, Lisa will refuse to give out any information and will
throw up a Psyche-Lock, barring your progress. Examine the papers that
are on the floor. They turn out to be horse racing tickets; albiet
they're all losing ones. The Losing Horse Racing Tickets will be added
to the court record. Now examine Elg's desk. It's a total mess, but
there is one item of interest on it: it's a calendar, and it has "Meet
with the Tiger" written on December 3rd, the day of the murder. Glen's
Calendar will be added to the court record. Head to Tres Bien's Kitchen
It's that creepy girl from yesterday, and she's talking to Armstrong.
Well, threatening him is more like it. She leaves, and Armstong will
start to relax. Time to pressure him into talking. Talk to him about
"Tres Bien". Armstrong just doesn't realize that his cooking skills are
to blame for the complete lack of customers. Now talk about "The woman
just now". He's not ready to talk about her yet, so show him his loan
contract. Because of the loan he had no choice but to help "them". AGORA
talk about "The woman just now". It turns out that she's from the
company that gave Armstrong his loan; its name is "Tender Lender". Falar
about this now. Now that he owes them money, he has to do everything
they tell him to do. The owner is called "the Tiger", according to
Armstrong. He's a mobster who just happens to ride a battered scooter.
This gets the gears turning in Phoenix's head, and he asks Armstrong if
he looks like him. Armstrong says that the thing that resembles him the
most is the hair. Armstron will give you directions to "Tender Lender".
Head there now, via Vitamin Park. On the way, Gumshoe will be forced to
head back to the precinct, so he'll give Phoenix a lunch set of weenies
and rice, and will ask him to give it to Maggey; it'll be added to the
registro de corte.
Indeed, that scary girl is there, and she tells them not to touch
anything, lest they get rubbed out. Time to tempt the fates. Examine o
blue suit behind the desk. Maya will uncover a fake attorney's badge
made out of paper; it'll be added to the court record. With this new
discovery, it'll be obvious that the Tiger is the imposter. Now examine
the ashtray on the floor; a pack of Tres Bien matches is buried in the
ash; it too will be added to the court record. Finally, examine the CD
player on the desk; a CD called "MC Bomber" is right by it. That CD will
be added to the court record. Suddenly, someone roars! Time to cue in
the Tiger! His real name is Furio Tigre, and it turns out that he is
indeed the manager of Tender Lender. Just as he's about to clean
Phoenix's clock for knocking his ashtray on the floor, the girl from
earlier will claim responsibility. Tigre, surprisingly, tells the girl,
now introduced as Violetta, not to sweat it. Once Tigre leaves, we'll be
able to chat with Violetta.
Talk to her about "Tender Lender". All the "we're on your side" stuff is
a farce, taking poor Armstrong into consideration. Now talk about "What
happened". She was with Tigre on the day in question, so it's likely
that she'd know all about him. Present Tigre's profile. Phoenix just
can't get his head wrapped around how Violetta and Tigre could be
working together. It turns out that "Don Tigre" saved Violetta's life.
Uh ... hein? Talk about "Saved your life?" Violetta's pretty frail as it
turns out. She was on the verge of death recently, and it was Tigre that
came to her rescue. So, she decided to help with the shop in repayment.
Now talk about "The head bandage". She'll evade the question, and will
throw up a Psyche-Lock to protect herself. Gah! There's nothing more we
can do here at the moment, so head back to Vitamin Square.
Kudo's back, so its time to talk to him. Talk to him about "Today's
trial". Looks like he's still angry at us. He's also still insisting
upon his testimony. Good grief, when will he give that up? Now talk
about "Embroiderer". He's ready to go on a little rant, so "Suck it up".
He'll rant about how he's always been shoved aside and supposedly said
to "get lost" because he's in the way both at home and at the
restaurant. The restaurant? Does he mean Tres Bien? He was told to run
an errand on the day Elg was poisoned. That's news to us! Talk about
"The 'errand'". It turns out that when Elg was poisoned, Armstrong told
him to call the police. It took him about 5 minutes to find a pay phone
fazê-lo. During that time, Armstrong was alone with the body. Ele tentou
to tell us all of this earlier in court, but by that time, the judge had
had enough of him. Armstrong won't be around to confirm this, so head to
the Detention Center.
Talk to Maggey about "Contradiction". She's positive that everything
happened exactly as she saw it. Everything else just doesn't seem to
match up. Now talk about "After the Incident". When Maggey woke up, she
was arrested before she could get a handle on the situation. She has no
idea what happened while she was out cold, so Armstrong is the only man
who can fill in the gaps. However, she also says that Kudo's testimony
doesn't add up either. Present Kudo's profile, then talk about "Victor's
Testimony". The reason why his testimony doesn't make sense to her is
because she says that he wasn't there when the poisoning occured; it was
a woman instead, and she had a head bandage and also had a creepy laugh.
Could she be talking about Violetta? Finally, present Gumshoe's
Lunchbox. She refuses to take it upon hearing who made it, so Phoenix
and Maya will take the opportunity to have lunch. Move to the Criminal
Affairs Dept.
A huge stink has been raised, and according to Gumshoe, the source of
that stink is a computer virus that's currently attacking the network.
Caramba! First, talk about "Tender Lender". Tender Lender is probably the
shadiest loan office out there, but they ran into a little trouble
recently. As a result, they've started to call in all of their loans.
That's why Violetta was Tres Bien. Talk about "Computer viruses". Ele
seems that Phoenix has a little knowledge on the subject, and so, if you
don't know what a computer virus is or you just need a refresher on
them, select "What's a virus?" There is a little nugget of new
information in this topic though, as Gumshoe says that he's heard the
name of the virus before; it's "MC"-something. Uh-oh. Could that be I
think it is? Present MC Bomber. Looks like our worst fears have been
realized; the name of the virus is, indeed, MC Bomber. Talk about "MC
Bomber" now. The police recived a list of demands a while back from some
criminals; if their demands were not met, then they would release the
vírus. It turns out that the virus was sold on the black market; the
price for a virus like MC Bomber could easily skyrocket into the
millions! MC Bomber will now be updated in the court record.
Now show him Violetta's profile. Violetta's just her nickname; her real
name is Viola Cadaverini, the only granddaughter of the head of the
Cadaverini Family, Bruto Cadaverini. Now talk about "The Cadaverinis".
The Cadaverinis control most of the criminal underworld and the
associated cash. No one even dares to stand up to them! Parece que
everyone knows how much Bruto loves his only granddaughter. Now Gumshoe
will ask about how the whole lunch thing went. When Maya tells him about
the taste, Gumshoe will assume that Maggey said that, and in his
confusion, will present yet another lunchbox, which is added to the
court record, just like last time. Head on over to Blue Screens, Inc.
now; it's time to crack open Lisa's Psyche-Lock.
Phoenix will demand that Lisa tell him exactly what kind of trouble Glen
was in. Once again, she'll dodge the question, so present the Losing
Horse Race Tickets. She says that it's not that unusual to go to the
races, so present the Lottery Ticket; Elg was, most likely, addicted to
gambling. Time for one lock to crash and burn. Burn, baby, burn! Sorry,
just had to say that. Lisa admits that Glen did have a gambling habit.
But Glen got lucky and won the lottery; that habit of his hardly caused
trouble if he did indeed win. Normally, that would be true, but he had
to deal with one ferocious dude; present Tigre's profile. Lisa thinks
that Elg had nothing to do with the man, so present Glen's Calendar; he
clearly knew Tigre enough to know about his nickname. Another lock will
blow up in Lisa's face. Lisa will admit that Elg's habit put him in some
deep debt. Phoenix will inquire about what Elg planned to do if he
didn't have enough of the moolah to pay it all off, and Lisa will state
that Elg planned to use his skills to do just that, so present MC
Bomber; he probably used his talents to create a virus so powerful that
it was guarenteed to rake in a lot of dough! Unlock successful!
Talk to Lisa about "Glen's troubles" now. She says that Glen was going
to take on some "Risky extra work". Talk about this now. The extra work
was, indeed, MC Bomber. Glen created that virus to pay off his debt. MC
Bomber will now be updated in the court record. December 3rd was Elg's
deadline; he had to pay off his debts by that time. Phoenix will now get
rid of the Losing Horse Race Tickets. If I remember correctly, there's
one more Pyche-Lock that needs to be cracked open; mosey on over to
Tender Lender. Before we begin the process, examine the gold thing on
the shelf; under it is a repair bill for a car; the car itself is
registered to the Cadaverinis. It will be added to the court record. AGORA
we can undo that pesky lock.
If you'll remember correctly, Viola said that that bandage was from an
operation; she also suffered a fatal injury to the head. What caused
that injury? Present the Repair Bill; she was most likely involved in a
car accident. Viola points out that the car belongs to the Cadaverinis.
She now asks you to prove her connection to the Cadaverinis. Present her
very own profile; her last name IS Cadaverini! One lock will now
dissappear into thin air! Viola states that the accident happened about
4 months ago. She was driving in the middle of the night when someone
pulled out in front of her; she has no idea who she hit that night.
Present Tigre's profile; his scooter was also damaged, as if it were in
an accident! Another lock will fall through the proverbial trap door!
She probably privately suspects that he was the one she hit, even though
she's currently denying it. Present the Scooter in question. Yet another
lock goes up in imaginary smoke. It seems that the family knew for quite
some time who caused that accident. She states that the operation itself
was very, very expensive, but she's hesitant on giving out the exact
cost itself. Tigre told her that he paid for the operation because he
truly cared about her; present Bruto's profile; everyone knows how he's
so protective of his own granddaughter. He probably pressured Tigre into
looking after her! Unlock successful!
Now talk about "The head banadage". It turns out that the operation cost
exactly $1,000,000. A MILLION BUCKS!? That's crazy! So Bruto ordered
Tigre to pay him $1,000,000 in "Compensation". Talk about this now. Ela
wanted to trust in Tigre, but now, she's not so sure. She wants Phoenix
to take him down using her medical papers; they'll be added to the court
record. Let's see if Armstrong is back in the restaurant. Before we
leave, Phoenix will discard the Repair Bill.
Well, Armstrong is here, but so is Tigre. He'll demand the papers back,
and when Phoenix refuses, he has Armstrong punch him! Just as he's about
to burn the papers, Gumshoe shows up and holds them off! Phoenix and
Maya use the opportunity to make off with the medical papers. Tomorrow,
Tender Lender will be closing its doors... for good! Save your game.
Gumshoe's OK! He's got the results on that mysterious bottle; it's Elg's
missing medicine! It will be refiled in the court record. Time to expose
Tigre to the world as the man he really is!
Godot is still in top form, as he's claimed to have discovered the
reasons behind the contradictions from yesterday! To explain, he calls
Armstrong to the stand, and he'll testify about this reason.
-When it all 'appened, z'ere were just two customers in my restaurant.
-I remember I was experimenting w'iz some new art deco z'at day.
-Like 'aving a large mirror between la tables, for example.
-Oui! Per'aps z'at is what la old man was looking at.
-La cup, la earpiece and la glasses... 'E would 'ave seen everyz'ing in
reverse, non?
A mirror? This is the first we've heard of it! Press Armstrong's third
statement, the one about the mirror. Armstrong says that it was 4 meters
long and 2 meters high. If he's right, then that's one HUGE mirror!
"Press harder" when given the chance. Godot states that a mirror was
delivered to Tres Bien the day before the murder, but Armstrong
eventually decided not to use it. If everything was in reverse, then
Elg's HMD would be over his right eye, right? However, by looking at
Elg's profile picture, the HMD is clearly seen over the left eye!
Present Elg's profile to counter Armstrong's last statement, the one
about seeing everything in reverse.
Godot, however, counters by saying that the more something makes an
impression on Kudo, the more foggy his memory becomes. Godot has
Armstrong testify about the mirror itself.
-La mirror, it was in z'e middle of la restaurant, dividing z'e two
-Z'ere is only one seat from which you could 'ave seen an image of la
-Z'at was la seat at z'e table next to la victim's. Z'at was where la
old man was sitting.
-After la terrible incident occured, I moved la mirror so it was not in
z'e way.
-But naturally, I did not touch anything else!
Take a look at the Crime Photo. The table behind the victim's still has
its vase. If that's where Kudo was sitting, then that vase shouldn't be
lá! Present the Crime Photo against Armstrong's third statement, the
one that says that's where Kudo was sitting. When given the opportunity,
point out the vase on the table behind the victim's, and then present
Victor's Testimony. There's only one solution: there was NO mirror in
the restaurant that day! That means that the contradictions between
testimonies still stand. Por quê? Answer "The victim was a phony." That's
right; the scene Kudo witnessed was bogus! Phoenix will demand that
Armstrong testify again, and the judge agrees.
-La victim, Monsieur Elg, 'e came to my restaurant alone.
-I remember la old man arrived not long after 'im.
-Z'ere were no other customers.
-When 'e got word 'e won la lottery, Mon. Elg became very exited.
-It was approximately 5 minutes later z'at la poisoning incident
-Non, z'ere was no time for a phony to do la acting.
He's STILL not testifying truthfully! But we can't prove it just yet.
First, press his second statement, the one about Kudo arriving. Perguntar
"What time was it?" Thanks to the judge, Armstrong says that Elg arrived
at the restaurant anywhere between 2:00 PM to 2:10 PM. O segundo
statement will be replaced with this:
-I remember la old man arrived not long after 'im, just after 2 PM.
Remember what Gumshoe said yesterday regarding the lottery; they
announce the winners just after 1:30 PM. Why would Elg be listening to
a radio show 30 minutes after it ended? Present the Millionaire Radio
Flyer against Armstrong's fourth statement, the one about Elg winning.
It's now been definitively proven that the "crime" Kudo witnessed was a
fake! Godot will then ask where the real Elg's body was hidden, if he
was already dead by then. Say that the body was hidden "inside Tres
Bien"; if someone had seen the body being taken out, then the killer
would have been in some major trouble. Point out where the body was
hidden by pointing to the kitchen; Mr. Elg's medication was found there,
lembra? Present said medication as proof; it's still labeled as the
Small Bottle. Armstrong will now confess about everything.
-It is true, I 'id la body in la kitchen.
-A man forced me to do it. I 'ad no choice.
-I 'ad to go along w'iz 'im because... Z'ere was a reason why I could
not refuse.
-But I did not kill 'im! I swear it! You must believe me!
We know who this man is. Present Tigre's profile against Armstrong's
second testimony, the one about being forced to hide the body. Então,
present Jean's Loan Contract as proof that he was forced to help Tigre.
The judge orders Godot to summon Tigre as a witness. Godot then asks for
30 minutes to find him, and the judge will agree. Court will now be
recessed for 30 minutes. Save your game.
Back in the lobby, Gumshoe is getting tired of waiting around, so he's
heading back to the precinct. Phoenix wants him to investigate
something, so present the Small Bottle. We need to have the fingerprints
scanned and identified. Gumshoe will take the bottle, and Phoenix heads
back in to face off against Tigre.
It seems that Godot has not only found him, but seems to have "tamed"
him as well. He's called up to the stand, but he's a busy man, and
Phoenix will be footing his travel bills; the train's not cheap! Tigre
will now start his testimony.
-I don't know nothin' about no murder.
-I was tied up with business in December last year. Spent all'a my time
in my office.
-I got whales lined up to borrow cash from Tender Lender every single
-Youse wanna check my alibi, just ask Violetta.
Be careful. If you press any statements here in the second half of the
trial, and they turn out to be irrelevant, you'll get smacked with a
penalty. With that said, press his second statement, the one about
having a lot of business. "Press harder" when given the chance. Tigre
states that he was in his office all day on the day of the murder as
bem. He never even saw Elg. Godot will ask him to amend his testimony:
-The day youse talkin' about, I was in de office, too. I never even saw
that kid before.
That's a pretty pathetic lie. Present Glen's Calendar against this
statement; Elg was supposed to meet with him that day, remember? Godot
has Tigre testify again in light of this new information.
-I ain't no liar. I never met Glen Elg.
-There was some lame guy with that name, though. Wanted to borrow cash
de mim.
-I set up a meetin' with the guy... at my office, Tender Lender.
-I waited around for him, but he ain't ever showed.
-I ain't never even been to that Tres Bien joint, youse hear?
Now the lie is more blatant. The penalty system is still in the works,
embora. Present the Tres Bien Matches against Tigre's last statement,
the one about never having visited Tres Bien; we found them in Tigre's
office, remember? Tigre confesses that he was indeed there, but he still
never met Elg. Godot will ask Tigre to testify about his visit to the
-I was supposed to meet wid the kid at the restaurant that afternoon.
-When I opened the door to the joint, I saw one ugly scene.
-The guy was laid out over the table, stiff as concrete.
-I figured if the place wasn't hot already, it was gonna be, so I split.
-I heard the cop's sirens on my way out, and I went straight back to my
Another blatant lie is right in front of you, so present the Tres Bien
Floor Plans against Tigre's second statement, the one about seeing the
scene; due to the layout of the restaurant, he couldn't have seen what
he says he saw, because a divider behind the cashier obscures the view
of the victim's table! The judge will now ask the defense who the real
killer is: present Tigre's profile; he met with the victim that day,
depois de tudo. Who's to say that he didn't poison him and act out a fake
murder? Godot counters that it doesn't matter, since Kudo saw the
waitress put the poison in the coffee! In turn, Phoenix counters by
saying that Kudo only saw the "waitress"'s back; who's to say that the
waitress wasn't a fake as well? The judge asks who the imposter waitress
was: present Viola's profile; at the time, she was devoted to Tigre, so
she would have done anything and everything to help! Even if it meant
covering up the murder! Tigre counters by saying that Phoenix has
forgotten one important thing, and he'll testify to that effect.
-Yeah, I loaned Elg cash. About 100,000 dollars.
-That day, we was due to have a little chat. The kid hit his payback
date, see?
-So anyway, he tells me he's got no way to pay up.
-I'm about to flatten the guy, when he starts screamin'.
-"Yesss! I won! Half a million bucks!" He got lucky, you' know. Real
-If that waitress hadn't done what she done, everythin' woulda been
Start by pressing his last statement, the one about everything being
over if it weren't for the waitress. Now "Ask about what Maggey did". De
course, he's refering to the winning lottery ticket. The judge has Tigre
amend his testimony:
-Thanks to what she did, my business with that kid was over!
Press this new statement. Tigre would have gotten his cash back if it
weren't for the waitress. When the judge questions its relevancy, answer
"have it amended". It will be amended accordingly:
-I was after the $100,000. I had no other reason to kill the guy!
Aha! Finally, the lie we've been looking for! Present MC Bomber against
this statement; it could easily fetch millions on the black market,
depois de tudo. When the judge asks why Tigre needed money right away,
present Viola's Medical Papers; the operation cost $1,000,000, remember?
If Tigre hadn't paid that cash, he would be in deep doo-doo with the
Cadaverinis. In fact, he was hoping Elg would turn over the virus as
collateral. But then Elg won the lottery; he could have handed his
ticket over, and Tigre would be left with no way to pay his own "loan".
That's how Elg ended up dead. Tigre counters by saying that if he did
all of this, his trail would have been in plain sight, so counter this
with the Paper Badge; we found it in Tigre's office, and it proves that
Tigre impersonated Phoenix in order to get Maggey convicted!
Godot counters by saying that there's no solid proof that Tigre poisoned
the victim! That's when Gumshoe interrupts the proceedings with the
decisive evidence. The judge will call a recess, but it's not one of the
saving type. Back in the lobby, Gumshoe says that it's Tigre's
fingerprints on the bottle. It will be refiled into the court record.
He is, however, sadly informed that it's not decisive evidence after
todos. However, we still have one more bluff up our sleeves.
Back in court, present the bottle, and declare that it has "Potassium
cyanide" in it. Tigre will laugh, stating that the poison was in a
brown bottle. He's just given himself away; he wasn't in court
yesterday, so he couldn't have known about the bottle unless he used it
si mesmo. He'll roar the lights out, and the judge will declare Maggey
Byrde Not Guilty of murder.
Back in the lobby, present Gumshoe's Lunchbox. This time, Maggey will
graciously accept it, and chows down. She's off the hook again! Não
it feel wonderful to do something like this? Save your game.
Case 4: Turnabout Beginnings [TURNBEGIN]
It's time for another flashback! This time, it's Mia's FIRST case, and
she's set to defend a death row convict named Terry Fawles from another
charge of murder. He's claiming that he didn't commit either crime.
That's when someone calls Mia "kitten", and out pops someone who may
have come from south of the border. Do you remeber the name "Diego
Armando"? Well, it turns out that THIS guy is the man in question. He'll
be side-barring in Grossberg's place. He also states the prosecutor is
also a rookie, so she should have an easy time. Let's head on in.
(Take note that Diego looks a little like Godot, minus the white hair
and the freaky mask.)
Well well well, if it ain't our favorite prosecutor, Miles Edgeworth!
He'll state the facts of the case: two days ago, Terry Fawles escaped
police custody during a prison transfer when the vehicle carrying him
unexpectedly crashed. That day, Fawles alledgedy killed a policewoman by
the name of Valerie Hawthorne (Hawthorne? Where have we heard that name
before?). Why did he want to kill her? Well, five years ago, he
supposedly kidnapped and killed a 14-year-old girl, by throwing her off
a bridge. The thing that proved him guilty was the testimony of this
case's victim, Valerie. Edgeworth states that THAT was Fawles' motive:
revenge! The judge (not OUR judge!) almost hands down a ruling, but Mia
objects, saying that he should hear the facts first. Edgeworth will then
call his first witness to the stand.
Looks like this is Gumshoe's first case as well. He'll continue from
where Edgeworth left off, saying that the cause of death was from a
knife stab to the back. He'll then show off the map of the area. O
crime itself took place on Dusky Bridge, which is suspended over the
ferocious Eagle River. After commiting the murder, the killer carried
the victim's lifeless husk back to his car. The defendant was later
arrested at a police checkpoint further down Eagle Mountain. The map
itself will now be added to the court record. However, due to the fact
that Valerie was wearing a thick coat, there was no blood found on the
bridge; therefore, there is no proof that the victim and defendant ever
met that day. Edgeworth counters by saying that Gumshoe still has to
testify, and the judge allows it.
-On the day of the incident, an unknown person phoned the sergeant and
asked to meet.
-Sergeant Hawthorne went to Dusky Bridge at the designated time and met
with Mr. Fawles.
-And that's where she was brutally murdered, sir.
-The criminal stuffed her body into his car trunk and tried to make a
-Mr. Fawles was arrested at a police checkpoint we set up at the base of
the mountain.
Press Gumshoe's first statement, the one about the phone call. Gumshoe
does indeed know the name of the man who called in. It turns out that
Fawles himself called the victim. Valerie managed to leave a note behind
about her phone call, and that's how they knew that the defendant called
the victim. Said note will be added to the court record. Now press the
second statement, the one about the meeting. He chose that bridge
because of the first incident. Now press the third statement, the one
where Valerie was murdered. The police found the body right away, and
then they found the criminal not long afterwards. This raises Mia's
suspicions, as Valerie never told anyone else about the phone call. Por que
would that be? Now press the fourth statement, the one about the body
being stuffed into the car. It turns out thaf Fawles stole the car from
a young couple and drove it up to Eagle Mountain. Gumshoe even shows off
the car's trunk as proof that the body was stuffed in there. The Crime
Photo will be added to the court record. Gumshoe will now amend his
testimony accordingly:
-Here's a photo of the trunk. But I don't see anything strange, do you?
Enfim ...
Check the Victim's Note. It says "Wear white scarf for identification."
However, there is no scarf to be seen in the photo! Present the Victim's
Note against this statement. Edgeworth is all over this, however. Ele
produces said scarf and it is added to the court record. Take note that
the scarf is covered in mud. Gumshoe will now testify again.
-Actually, there's an eyewitness who was there when the incident took
-This photo was accidentally taken by the witness. It shows her wearing
the scarf, sir.
-It was drizzling that day; unfortunately, it's a little hard to see
what's going on.
-Anyway, the criminal shoved the victim down from behind and stabbed her
in the back!
-...That must have been when the scarf fell off.
Before the cross-examination begins, Gumshoe says that the witness in
question had preferred not to be put on the stand. The Witness's Photo
will be added to the court record. Now, take a look at the Crime Photo;
the coat clearly has no signs of having been in the mud! Present the
Crime Photo against Gumshoe's fourth statement, the one about the
murderer shoving the victim down. When asked, point to the coat. Quando
asked to prove that the bridge was muddy that day, present the Scarf;
Edgeworth found it on the bridge first, remember? Why is there a
contradiction? Armando says that it all comes down to a lie. Um dos
three is a lie: the witness's photo, the body in the trunk, or the
witness's testimony. Answer the "witness's testimony". It's possible
that she could be lying for the prosecution. Gumshoe said that the
murderer pushed the victim down, and Gumshoe clarifies that this was the
statement from the witness. If what the witness said is true, then there
should be mud on the coat, but there isn't! Plus, if the witness is so
decisive, then Edgeworth would have called her already! Mia will request
that the witness testify for the court, and the judge agrees.
The witness looks EXACTLY like ol' Dahlia Hawthorne! But she says that
her name is Melissa Foster. Foster is indeed the witness who took the
foto. She will now testify about the incident in question.
-I... I was using my camera to take some pictures of wild flowers.
-Then, I noticed there were two people standing up on the suspension
-Suddenly, they just started fighting!
-That's when I hurried and took the photo that shows the crucial moment.
-And right after that, I called the police.
Again, before the cross-examination takes place, another piece of
evidence will be presented to the court; Foster's Camera will be added
to the court record. Now, take a look at the Witness's Photo. If Foster
snapped a photo at the moment of the murder, then why are the defendant
and victim just facing each other in the photo? Present the Witness's
Photo against Foster's fourth statement, the one about taking the photo.
Foster admits that she used up the roll of film in her camera, and
that's why that this is the only photo that's been presented. She'll
replace statements 4 and 5 with these new statements:
-The victim turned around and tried to run away, but...
-She only got about 10 yards before she was stabbed in the back.
Hold up. Take a look at the Dusky Bridge Map. If the victim was at the
center of the bridge and tried to run away from the murderer, she would
have dropped through the hole at the other end of the bridge! Presente
the Dusky Bridge Map against Foster's fourth statement, the one about
the victim running away. Edgeworth counters by saying that the map
portrays Dusky Bridge's current condition; it may not have been broken
on the day of the murder! Foster will now testify about what she saw.
-After he stabbed her in the back, he quickly picked her up in his arms.
-Then he carried her over to the car.
-I suppose that was the only way he could make sure the body stayed
-He couldn't just leave the body on top of the bridge.
-Oh, I'm sorry... I'm only supposed to talk about what I saw.
Wait just one darn minute! Remember what Edgeworth said about the Eagle
River earlier? It has very strong currents, and almost all of the time,
if a body was thrown in there, it was never recovered. Thus, the river
is a perfect place to hide a body, if someone needed to! Present the
Dusky Bridge map against Foster's third statement, the one about the
body being hidden. Edgeworth counters by saying that what's important is
what the witness saw. Foster will now amend her testimony accordingly:
-The killer broke into the trunk of the stolen car and hid the body in
Time to end this game of cat and mouse. Take a look at the map again. Se
Foster was where she said she was, she couldn't have seen the murderer
carry her to the car; her view would have been obscured by the rocks!
Once again, present the Dusky Bridge Map against her third statement,
the one about the body being carried to the car. Foster counters by
saying that she must have remembered things wrong, and the judge will
give her the benefit of the doubt. Armando himself will counter by
saying that if she saw the car, how did she know it was stolen? Foster
says that there were scratch marks on the lid of the trunk, and that's
how she knew the car was stolen. Now, about that explanation, "It
doesn't work." If she was where she claimed she was, she couldn't have
seen that far! Now, if she did see them, then when did she have the
chance? Answer that "she put the corpse in herself." If Fawles HAD put
the body in the trunk, he would have had no need to break it open, since
the keys to the car were still in the ignition when he stole it!
Edgeworth counters by saying that Foster was taking photographs at the
time, thus she couldn't have hid the body! She may not have taken her
photo personally! Present the Camera to prove your point; Foster already
said that her camera came with a built-in timer function! Foster may not
have been where she said she was! So where was she? Aponte para o
victim's marker when given the chance. If Foster did indeed hide the
body, she must have done it before the meeting on the bridge! To prove
it, present the Scarf; Fawles couldn't remember what Valerie looked like
anymore, so he told her to wear that scarf. If Foster wore it, Fawles
would have thought that Foster was Valerie! Foster will faint when
confronted with the facts.
Foster will be carried out to the lobby to rest. It's now obvious that
Foster is the real murderer. There's just one problem, however: what's
her motive? We'll have to find out during recess. Save your game.
Fawles will now explain what happened to him all those years ago. Ele foi
involved in a plot to steal an expensive ore from a diamond dealer. O
plan was for him to "kidnap" his 14-year-old girlfriend, Dahlia
Hawthorne (Why HER of all people?), and as the ransom, he would demand
the ore or he would "kill" her. Dahlia's sister, Valerie, was in on it
as well, to make sure the "exchange" went smoothly. However, just before
the "hostage" and the ore were about to be traded, Valerie shot at
Fawles, hitting him in the arm. Due to that, he couldn't have possibly
thrown Dahlia over the bridge. But Valerie testified anyways, and that's
why he was sentenced to death. When he finally managed to escapr, only
one thing was on his mind: he was going to ask Valerie why she had
betrayed him. They were going to split the value of the ore between the
three of them after all. As Mia and Diego ponder what sort of motive
Foster may have, they head back into court. Oh, and the ore in question
(though it's just an image for reference) will be added to the court
Foster is back up, and raring to go. So is Edgeworth. Time to take her
smile away. She'll now testify about her motive.
-I... I was out of the country until the year before last.
-Until I entered college, I had never been to Eagle Mountain before...
-And I certainly don't have any reason for wanting to hurt a police
-Holding a grudge and killing the officer who testified against you 5
years ago...
-Or kidnapping a poor girl... I just think the defendant is a terrible,
horrible monster!
Start by pressing the fourth statement, the one about holding a grudge.
"Press harder" when given the chance. Foster said that Fawles forgot
what the victim looked like, and if SHE wore a white scarf, then SHE
would have been the one to end up dead! Is this crucial? "Have it added
to the testimony". Foster will now amend her testimony:
-I guess I'm lucky I wasn't wearing a white scarf.
Take a look at the Scarf. It's actually a light blue, right? Não é
white at all! Present the Scarf against this statement. Now why did she
think that it was white? Present the Victim's Note; it says "wear white
scarf for identification". That note was a private piece of information,
so how'd Foster know of its contents? Present Dahlia's profile; the note
says to talk to her, remember? But that still doesn't solve why Foster
knew of the note... Unless Melissa Foster is, in actuallity, Dahlia
Hawthorne! However, we still need to link her to the crime, so present
the Victim's Note again; if Foster is, indeed, Dahlia, then she would
have enough of a motive to kill her own sister to keep her mouth shut!
Mia will now request that Dahlia testify further as to the incident that
occured 5 years ago.
-Five years ago, I was kidnapped by Mr. Fawles.
-The ransom price was a raw diamond. My sister, Valerie, brought it to
the bridge...
-After she made the exchange, she shot Mr. Fawles in the arm!
-That's when Mr. Fawles tried to kill me by shoving me off the bridge
from behind!
-I survived, but I was afraid I might be kidnapped again for my family's
-So I decided to change my identity and start a new life...
That's just not possible. Present the Dusky Bridge Map against her
fourth statement, the one about being shoved from behind; that bridge
was broken that day too, remember? She would have been smashed by the
rocks below instead of splashing into the river! Edgeworth counters that
she may have been shoved off the side of the bridge instead of being
pushed from behind! That's impossible too. Por quê? Present the Witness's
Photo; those guard ropes are as high as someone's waist; there is no way
that she could have been pushed from the side! There is only one
solution: she jumped into the river herself! Why did she do that?
Present the Diamond; that kidnapping was staged, remember? She may have
wanted that money all to herself, and jumped into the river to ensure
that's what happened! And this proves that Dahlia wanted to kill her; to
prevent the truth from ever becoming public knowledge! Dahlia counters
that the defense has no evidence that proves that she planned her own
kidnapping. There's only one option left: we must hear one last bit of
testimony. As to who it is, present Fawles' profile; he alone would know
who he met on the bridge.
-That day... 4 PM... I stopped the car. I was in front of bridge...
-She wasn't there... So, I waited on bridge.
-I watched my car from bridge. I never put no body in that car!
-Finally, one woman came. She stood front of me.
-We talked... Then she left.
-That was... That was Valerie. Not my Dahlia!
It should come as no suprise that he's covering for his girlfriend. Com
that said, present the Witness's Photo against his fourth statement, the
one about the woman coming; if she was at the other end of the bridge,
then she would have arrived first! At this point, Fawles starts coughing
up blood! He said that he lost faith in Dahlia, and the other reason he
went there was to retrieve a pendant (looks like the pendant from the
first case, don't you think?). It must contain poison! Edgeworth wants
to call for the medical team but too late; he's dead. THIS is the case
that left Mia with some bad scars. Dahlia, meanwhile, left with a smile.
Back to Phoenix! He states that Dahlia smiled when she was finally
convicted, and her reign of terror may not be over yet... Save your
Case 5: Bridge to the Turnabout [TURNBRID]
In the office, Maya and Pearl are asking Phoenix to take them up to a
channeling dojo in the mountains (people under 23 must be accompanied by
a chaperone 23 or older), and Phoenix keeps refusing themm, until he
sees a picture of one of the nuns in the picture; she looks exactly like
his old girlfriend, Dahlia Hawthorne! Upon seeing this picture, he
agrees to take them up. The "Oh! Cult!" New Year's Issue will be added
to the court record. You'll now move to the "Main Gate" of the Hazakura
That is one stout nun. She introduces herself as Bikini (No, she does
NOT actually wear a bikini, you perverts!). Maya's already signed up for
the "Special Course", and Bikini seems a little suprised at that. Primeiro,
talk about the "Channeling Dojo". A channeling dojo is where spirit
mediums train to increase their power and their finesse over spirits.
Now, talk about "The other nun". It turns out that the Dahlia look-alike
is named Iris, and she's been a nun ever since she can remember. She's
currently in the Inner Temple, preparing it for use. Mover para o
"Main Hall" now.
As soon as they enter, Maya spots the smell of potroast. Another person
pops up and says hello. Pearl recognizes her as the famous picture book
author Elise Deauxnim. It turns out that Pearl's quite the fan. Fale com o
her about "Elise Deauxnim". She won an award the year previous for her
most famous story, "The Magic Bottle". It turns out that some anonymous
benefactor sent her story to a publisher. They loved it, short and
sweet, and asked Elise if they could publish it as a book. Ela também
seems to have attracted an "apprentice", for want of a better word. Ele
calls himself Laurice Deauxnim. We'll see what his real identity is
shortly. Now ask "Why come here?". She's here to collect some ideas for
a new story. She'd like it to have a sort of Japanese flair to it. Elise
will now excuse herself to help prepare dinner. Pearl will leave with
a ela. Before they go, Elise will give Phoenix a map of the area. Said map
will be added to the court record. Head to the "Suspension Bridge" now.
It turns out that the "Suspension Bridge" is, in actuallity, Dusky
Bridge! That means that we're dealing with the Eagle River all over
again! Move to the "Inner Temple Gate" now.
Quite the harrowing trip. It turns out that the Inner Temple is in a
pretty sorry state. Maya even says that it could collapse with even the
slightest tremor! Oh well. Move to the "Training Hall" now.
We finally meet with Iris, and she seems quite suprised to see Phoenix.
That's awfully odd. She'll leave before we can talk to her properly.
Time to take a look around. Examine the scroll on the wall. It turns out
that it's a picture of Misty Fey! The crest on the top of the scroll
proves that the person depicted is one of the masters of the Kurain
School of channeling! It can only be Misty, since the scroll is only
about 17 to 22 years old! The scroll proper will be added to the court
record. We've done everything here, so move to the Suspension
It's the Butz! What's he doing here? Apparently, HE'S "Laurice
Deauxnim". Talk to him about this first. Larry says that he wanted to
start over with a clear concience, and that's why he's changed his name.
See, the Mask*DeMasque case left him with some deep scars, and that's
when he read "The Magic Bottle", the so-called "book of destiny". Ele
goes further by saying that he felt purified. Talk about "Elise
Deauxnim" now. Larry managed to take a photo of her, and will give it to
Phoenix; he's got extras. That photo will be added to the court record.
Now talk about "Picture books". Phoenix doesn't think that Larry became
an illustrator out of the sheer goodness in his heart. True true, as he
has a crush on a certain nun, and it's NOT Bikini (really, who would
have a crush on HER!?), so present Iris's profile. It's true, SHE is the
one he has a crush on. Too bad she's already taken. Pearl will barge in
and announce that dinner is ready. You'll automaticcaly move to the Main
Pearl is still a little worried about Maya's well-being. Bikini reminds
Iris of what she needs to do, and both Maya and Bikini head off to the
Inner Temple. Elise will ask Pearl to spend the night with her, which
is good, since there are still a few words that she can't quite
compreender. It's still cold like the dickens for Phoenix and Larry, so
they'll return to their rooms for the night.
Phoenix is back up, having to go to the bathroom. He'll come across
Elise, worried about Pearl; she never came to her room at all like she
era suposto. She leaves to keep looking for her. Phoenix will run
into one more person, and that person is Iris, and she calls him Mr.
Wright. Talk to her about "Iris". As stated earlier, Iris doesn't
remember much besides her first memories of the temple. She comes to
think of Bikini as her mother (looks like the ol' gal has a bit of a
motherly streak to her). She's also never been to Ivy University (the
school Phoenix and Dahlia went to). But she does take occasional trips
down to the town nearby. Talk about the "Hazakura Temple" now. Iris
doesn't seem to like spirit channeling. She tries to leave to ring the
lights-out bell, but Phoenix stops her. He asks how she knows him by
name, since he never introduced himself. She throws up a total of FIVE
locks, which means that she's hiding some big secret! She'll finally
leave, but not before leaving him her hood, which is added to the court
record. Phoenix heads back to bed.
Suddenly, a scream is heard from the courtyard! It's Bikini, and Phoenix
sees one ugly sight: Elise is dead on the ground, having been impaled
with the Shichishito from behind. Bikini asks Phoenix to call the
police, and since he forgot his cell phone, he'll have to either find
Iris (who has a cell phone), or use the pay phone by Dusky Bridge.
Phoenix heads over there, only to find that the bridge is on fire!
Phoenix tries to cross it, depite warnings from Larry. A ponte
collapses under his weight, and Phoenix falls into the Eagle River,
blacking out! Save your game.
*riiiiing! riiiiing!* Somewhere, someone picks up a phone and answers
it, and Larry is on the other side of the line. If the bottom screen
didn't tip you off, you're currently playing as Edgeworth, who, as I've
recently learned, is the most popular character in Japan (with GS4, that
info may be a bit outdated...). Larry's in a bad state, saying that
Phoenix is in the hospital, and he even goes so far as to actually ORDER
Edgeworth to charter a trip back to the states! Edgeworth really has no
choice in the matter.
We find Edgeworth in the Detention Center, having already visited
Phoenix in the hospital. Everything that we've collected as Phoenix has
been passed down to Edgeworth. Which means that Phoenix wants Edgeworth
to defend Iris, who has been charged with Elise's murder. Edgeworth
agrees to hear Iris out. When she comes, Edgeworth thinks to himself
that he's seen her before... Talk to her about "Iris". When Edgeworth
voices his thoughts, Iris says that they've never met before, since she
hardly leaves the temple. She says that she's there because she needs to
atone for her sins. Now talk to her about "The night of the crime".
After dinner, she cleaned up and went to her room around 8:00. She later
left to ring the bell to turn out the lights at 10:00. Even though she
was told to go to the Inner Temple, she instead went back to her room
and stayed there for the rest of the night. She says that she was
frightened by something. Now ask about "Frightened?". When Edgeworth
asks what she was so frightened of, she'll throw up the first
Psyche-Lock that Edgeworth has ever seen! Now ask about "Any idea?" Iris
claims that the incident occured due to spiritual power, but Edgeworth
can't believe that. In fact, Edgeworth asks Iris if she killed Elise,
but she denies it. Edgeworth can't believe it, but he's ready to take
her case, but under one condition: that she tells Phoenix the secret she
desperately wants to keep hidden from him, and Edgeworth tells her that
he'll only continue to suffer until he finds the truth. It's hard for
her, but she agrees, and Edgeworth now has his first client as a defense
attorney. Move to the Suspension Bridge now.
It's Gumshoe! We haven't seen him for quite some time! Edgeworth groans
as he learns that Gumshoe's in charge, since the big man himself is
back on the proverbial campus. Anyways, we can't go to the other side,
since the bridge is still out. And, it appears that Edgeworth has no
idea who Godot is after all! Talk to Gumshoe about "What happened".
Gumshoe says that Bikini saw the entire thing, and she's set to testify.
Now talk about "Dusky Bridge". Gumshoe says what I just said, that the
bridge is uncrossable at the moment. It'll take at least a day to fix so
that we can get across. Gumshoe says that the bridge was hit by a
lightning bolt, and that's why it went up in flames. Now talk about
"Prosecutor Godot". Gumshoe says that even though he's a rookie, he's an
iceman in court. Gumshoe also says that Godot has it out for Phoenix.
The cause of this grudge is still unknown. Now talk about "Lightning".
Even though Edgeworth doubts it, Gumshoe has the data verifying that
lightning struck the bridge. Said data will be added to the court
record. Now move to the Main Gate.
Larry's here, and Gumshoe seems quite shocked that Edgeworth is going to
DEFEND someone for a change! Talk to Larry about "Iris". He's positive
that Iris didn't murder Elise, and that concerns Edgeworth a bit (you
and me both, buddy). Now talk about "The night of the crime". Larry
seems to take the question the wrong way and tells Edgeworth to buzz
desligado. Well, considering what happened last time, I don't think that it's
all that suprising that Larry throws up a Psyche-Lock to defend himself.
Move to the Main Hall. We'll take care of Larry later.
It's Bikini, and she seems a bit distraught. When Edgeworth asks her
where he can find a lady in a bikini, suprise, suprise, Gumshoe informs
him of her name. Talk to her about "The night of the crime". Depois
dinner, specifically 9:00, she took Maya to the Inner Temple, and a
couple of hours later, she saw the murder. But if she was supposed to be
at the Inner Temple, why wasn't she? Now talk about "What you saw". Ela
saw one person stabbing Elise in the back, and the person she saw was
Iris. Bikini doesn't want to believe that Iris actually killed someone.
Now talk about "Why return?". Bikini says that her back was acting up,
so she took a bath to relax. But Bikini says that Iris was looking after
Maya, which doesn't mesh with Iris' account of the events that night.
Now talk about "The acolyte". Bikini says that the training itself had
yet to start, but more distressing is that Pearl is still missing after
last night! Now present Iris's profile. Bikini says that she actually
saw Iris at the Inner Temple, which is one big contradiction! Agora
examine the piece of paper in the corner of the room. It's a blackmail
letter meant for Iris! That letter will be added to the court record.
Now move to the courtyard.
Edgeworth confirms that he'll be defending Iris tomorrow, and Gumshoe,
with his tendancy to blab, will still give him the goods. Talk about
"The victim". Her history is shrouded in mystery, barring the award she
won last year. Her estimated time of death was between 10 and 11 that
noite. She died from a loss of blood, due to a stab wound from the
murder weapon. But the strange thing was that her body was covered with
bruises, all post-mortem. The autopsy report will be added to the court
record. Now talk about "What happened". It's just a summary of events.
Now talk about "Tomorrow's trial". It turns out that Godot's still
missing, and because of the risk that he'll be spotted as a prosecutor,
he's arranged for a different judge and a different prosecutor. Now talk
about the "Inner Temple". It's the only building on that side of the
bridge, so it's essentially a land-locked island. Examine o
Shichishito. It has the victim's blood on the tip, and it has Iris's
fingerprints. The sword will be added to the court record. Now examine
the brown thing in the snow. It turns out that it's Elise's staff, but
its missing its signature amethyst. The staff will be added to the court
record. We have everything we need to break open a few Psyche-Locks, so
head to the Detention Center.
Edgeworth says that it's his duty to answer the questions raised in a
estojo. He also says that he knows what frightened her so much that she
couldn't leave her room that night; present the Note to Iris. And that
means that one lock has been smashed to pieces! Iris says that even if
she did have a secret, she would have no one that may have discovered
it; present Phoenix's profile. She's got a crush on him it seems, and
the feeling is mutual. Unlock successful!
Now talk about "Frightened?". When she got back to her room, the letter
was there. It told her to go to Heavenly Hall or her "secret" would be
exposed. She explains that Heavenly Hall is the name of a shack near the
banks of the Eagle River. There's a path that leads to it from the
entrance to Dusky Bridge. Iris's Testimony is added to the court record.
Now talk about the "Inner Temple". Iris refutes Bikini's allegations
that she went to the Inner Temple that night. Now head to the "Heavenly
It turns out that this is where Larry was staying. It's time to take
care of those pesky locks. But first, talk about the "Heavenly Hall".
Larry only learned of it's existance the previous day. He was apparently
looking for a nice place to let his artistry run wild. Now talk about
"Iris". He's postively determined on getting her hand in marridge! Ele
hasn't asked her yet, though. But he doesn't want her to do anything
that could hurt her. Now talk about "The night of the crime". Ele viu
something incredible, and on-cue, those pesky locks show up once more.
Edgeworth declares that it's time that Larry told the truth. Larry
agrees, and says that this amazing thing happened when the bridge was
hit by lightning at around 10:00 that evening. But that's not the whole
story, since those locks are still hanging around. Larry says that he
was in his room by the main hall that night, but I hardly doubt it;
present the Hazakura Temple Map. One lock will crumble. Larry refuses to
tell Edgeworth where he was, so Edgeworth will put the words in his
mouth; when asked to show where Larry was, point to the Heavenly Hall,
because it's the only place where Larry could have a clear view of the
bridge! That's the way the cookie crumbles, or, in this case, the lock.
Larry says that he was waiting for someone, so present Iris's profile;
Larry already admitted to having the hots for her. When Larry asks for
proof that he was waiting for Iris, present the Note to Iris; it says to
come to the Heavenly Hall, so only Larry would have written that note!
Unlock successful!
Now talk about "The night of the crime". Larry says that it wasn't
actually a blackmail note; it was a love letter. SAY WHAT!? The secret
is actually their "love" for each other. Oy vey. Gumshoe, however, says
that Larry is still hiding something, due to that "amazing thing" he
talked about earlier. Now talk about "Something incredible. As Edgeworth
inquires further, Larry throws up even more locks! I guess the only way
to get him to talk is to put him on the witness stand tomorrow in court.
Save your game.
In the lobby, Edgeworth tells Iris how Larry feels about her. Ela
blushes, and says that she's not used to that sort of thing. Em qualquer
event, it looks like Bikini will be the first one on the stand today.
Time to make a difference!
It's the Canadian judge! He's only met Edgeworth once, so he doesn't
question his presence as a prosecutor who's defending a murder suspect.
The prosecutor's bench is eerily quiet, and as the judge prepares to
hand down the verdict, a familiar "Objection!" fills the room. No, it's
not Godot. It's Franziska von Karma! If you'll remember from the last
game, Franziska was Phoenix's prosecuting rival back then. She came to
beat Phoenix, but since he's out cold, it's now the perfect moment to
show Edgeworth what she can really do! She outlines the facts of the
case, and the Crime Photo will be added to the court record. As her
first witness, Franziska will call Bikini to the stand. She'll testify
as to the events that night.
-That night I was helping an acolyte with her training in the Inner
Temple. Mas ...
-Well, as you can see, my back likes to act up. Violently.
-So, I left Iris to help the acolyte, and returned to Hazakura Temple.
-There's no bath at the Inner Temple, you see, and I needed a long, hot
-After I had finished, and just as I was heading back... that's when I
saw it!
She could not have seen Iris at the Inner Temple that night, since she
was in her room the entire time! Present Iris's Testimony against
Bikini's third statement, the one about seeing Iris at the Inner Temple.
Franziska counters by saying that the defendant is clearly lying!
Edgeworth counters by saying that if she was lying, she would have said
that she went to the Inner Temple, making that a much better alibi.
The judge agrees and calls Bikini's memory into question. But he'll ask
Edgeworth for a more decisive piece of evidence, and as such, Bikini
will amend her testimony:
-Iris came to the Inner Temple. She was dressed exactly as she had been
at dinner.
No, she wasn't. She had met Phoenix and given him her hood, remember?
Present Iris's Hood to counter this new statement. Bikini counters by
saying that she makes a few too many hoods, so they're effectively
spares. She counters herself, however, by saying that only one nun gets
one hood in her entire lifetime. That squashes Franziska's objection.
Bikini will now testify as to what she saw after her bath that night.
-I finished my bath around 11, and I thought I should return to the
Inner Temple.
-And as I was walking back... I heard a noise from the courtyard. Tomei
a look and...
-Iris was...! Oh, Mystic Elise! And with that sword, of all things!
-Mystic Elise was staying in the corner room, which faces out onto the
-The stabbing I saw must have occured after she was pushed out of her
That's not possible. Take a look at Elise's Autopsy Report. Ela diz
quite plainly that the bruises are post-mortem, that is, they occured
after she died. Present Elise's Autopsy Report against Bikini's last
statement, the one about Elise being pushed before she was stabbed. O
judge helps Franziska by saying that the victim was killed in her room
first, then thrown into the courtyard, upon where the weapon was removed
from the body. The judge will then ask Bikini for a little more
-When I looked across at the scene, the sword was already in place.
-Thinking about it now, I didn't actually see her stab Mystic Elise.
-I've never seen so much blood before...
-That's when I fainted. You can't blame me, can you?
-And when I awoke... Mystic Ami was... stabbing Mystic Elise in the
There's no clear contradiction this time, so press her third statement,
the one about the blood. Bikini saw some of the blood get onto Iris, and
Franziska confirms. "Press further" when given the chance. Bikini says
that she saw Iris pull the sword out of Elise's body. The judge will now
ask Bikini to amend her testimony:
-I saw the instant in which the blade, plunged in to the hilt, was
smoothly drawn out.
That's one fatal contradiction. Look at the Shichishito; it only has
blood on the tip of the blade. Furthermore, its many branches make it
impossible to stab someone all the way to the hilt! Present the
Shichishito against this new statement. There's only one conclusion: the
murder weapon was NOT the Shichishito as originally thought! Franziska
counters by saying that Bikini saw the murderer use a sword-like object.
Edgeworth, in turn, counters by asking the prosecution present this
object, as the police searched all over for one. Franziska concedes that
such a weapon was not found. Bikini then remembers that Iris might have
disposed of such a weapon, and Franziska has her testify to that effect.
-I saw the murder at around 11 PM...
-And after asking that it be reported, I went out to the Main Gate.
-And there... I saw tracks! Tracks that indicated the snowmobile had
been used!
-It takes 15 minutes to walk to Dusky Bridge, but less than 5 using one
of those!
-Maybe they threw the weapon into Eagle River and came back while I was
knocked out!
-...Iris could have done that. She can drive a snowmobile after all...
Franziska confirms that there were tracks in front of the Main Gate, and
she has the photo to prove it, which will be added to the court record.
Now then, present the Tracks Photo against Bikini's fifth statement;
there's only one set of tracks, after all. Franziska counters by saying
that it was snowing that night; the second set may have been covered by
the snowfall! "There is a contradiction" in her argument, however. Prove
this by presenting the weather data; it says that it had stopped snowing
by the time of the murder. Franziska counters that the weather is
unreliable, and therefore, some inaccuracies must be accounted for. Para
prove that it had stopped snowing by that time, present the Crime Photo;
Elise's body was not covered by the snowfall, remember? Bikini says that
the keys to the snowmobile were held by the defendant that night, so
only she could have used it. But when she left the Inner Temple that
night, there was nothing by the bridge at all. The judge is about to
call it a day, but there's one more person that needs to be put on the
stand. Present Larry's profile; he was there that night as well and
awoke due to the thunder. He could have seen the snowmobile! The judge
will order a recess while Larry is found. Save your game.
When Edgeworth asks Iris why she used the snowmobile that night, she'll
stop him with another array of Psyche-Locks. Looks like she's still not
ready to tell us everything. Time to see how "Laurice" holds up on the
As soon as Larry is called up, he gets whipped by Franziska! Aparentemente,
he was sketching her from the gallery, and she noticed and got pissed at
a ele. He'll be forced to testify about what he saw that night.
-I was at that lodge out in the mountains, looking up at the stars that
-I walked to the bridge a number of times, but...
-I didn't see a s-snowmobile!
-I didn't meet anyone at the bridge that night!
Larry, you are truly pathetic. Present Phoenix's profile against his
last statement, the one about not seeing anyone at the bridge that
night; as Phoenix, we saw him there, remember? Edgeworth asks that Larry
testify again, and he'll agree to it.
-I went to the shack at around 9, so it would have been about 10:30
-I was lying under my bedding when a white flash almost blinded me!
-I looked out the window... and Dusky Bridge was on fire!
-There was still some thunder, but I went right away to check it out.
-That's when I ran into Nick.
No contradictions here, which means that Larry's doing something right
para uma mudança. Press his fourth statement, the one about the thunder
still there. It took him about 5 minutes to get to that bridge. Ask him
"Why didn't you call anyone?". If Larry had a fire on his hands, he
would've called someone for help, but he didn't! Por quê? Larry will amend
his testimony to reflect this reason:
-I arrived at the bridge, and Nick showed up less than a minute later.
Not possible. Present the Weather Data against this new statement; if
Larry got there at around 11, the murder had already happened, and
Phoenix was still in the courtyard. Even if the murder occured before 11
rolled around, the bridge would still have been on fire, since it took
until 11:15 to die down! That means that we're dealing with a 15-minute
gap here! Larry will testify about the gap.
-I'm a Deauxnim. I'm an artist! What do you think I was doing?
-Sketching! In front of the bridge! I was whipped up into a frenzy of
-The shock and awe that I was feeling... I transferred it all directly
onto the page!
-...Before I realized it, the flames had gone out and then he came
running up.
Press his second statement, the one about him sketching in front of the
bridge. It seems that he was sketching the bridge and anything
a ela associados. Choose to "Look at the sketch". The bridge is in the
sketch alright, but so is Iris! That sketch will be added to the court
record. Larry will now amend his testimony:
-I saw Iris flying! Her white hood fluttering!
Wrong-o. Present Iris's Hood against this statement; she had already
given it to Phoenix that night before the murder. Larry says that he has
proof that Iris really flew, and he'll testify to that effect.
-When I reached Dusky Bridge, she was already gone...
-I was so worried! So I frantically searched all over for her!
-That led to me finding a beautiful crystal sphere, half buried in the
-I'm sure that Iris was simply wearing a spare hood.
-After all, no one else could have lost a crystal sphere that night.
Befor the cross-examination occurs, the judge will notice that the
crystal Larry found has blood on it! It will be added to the court
record. Time to end this farce once and for all. Present the Photo of
Elise against his last statement; her staff was missing its crystal when
it was found! Franziska can't accept the evidence because it cannot be
proven when it was found! Can I prove it? "Yes, I can." To prove it,
present the Crystal Sphere; Larry found it half-buried in the snow, so
it must have been dropped before the murder, since it had stopped
snowing by that time! Then that means that the murder did not take place
in the courtyard! Franziska counters that the body was found in the
courtyard, and between the Temple and the bridge is a 15-minute trek!
There was no time to carry the body! Counter by presenting the Tracks
Photo; the tracks could have been started at the bridge and ended at the
Temple instead of the other way around! The judge is convinced that more
investigation will be neccesary. Edgeworth has done his part, now it's
up to Phoenix to finish the job. Save your game.
Ahhh, Phoenix. How we've missed you. While we've been in court with
Edgeworth, Phoenix has been reviewing the details of Mia's first case
(Case 4), and now that he's had plenty of rest, he's now heading back
out for some more investigation.
Looks like the bridge is still out. And Phoenix's cold is still
lingering. Plus, it looks like Edgeworth was waiting for us. The murder
weapon is still unaccounted for, and that will most likely be the issue
tommorrow when court reconvenes. So, that means that there's still
another sword out here that we don't know about. Edgeworth is heading
back to the precinct to look into something; that something is Iris's
fundo. Gumshoe heads off as well; he's in charge of fixing the
bridge. Move to the main gate.
Well, Larry's here, but the more shocking thing is (to Phoenix) that
Fanziska is here too! Talk to her about "Franziska von Karma", and
Phoenix will give us a little refesher on her. She's still insistent on
grinding him into dust, but not because of her father, legendary
prosecutor Manfred von Karma's sake, but for her own. Now talk about
"Today's trial". She seems shocked, because she fully expected to battle
Phoenix again, only to square off against her "little" brother (she's
only 19!). She's here because of the special relationship the case has
to Phoenix. Defeating him will mean so much toher. Awww... how cute...
*crack!* Ahhh! I'm sorry! Now talk about "What happened". She read the
case file on the flight back to the good 'ol US of A (The WHOLE THING!?
Man, talk about dedication!), so she knows all about the details. Mover
to the main hall now.
Well, Bikini's here, and she seems quite depressed. However, she keeps
calling Elise a "Mystic". Hmm ... now why is that? Oh well. Talk about
"Iris". She's lost a little faith in herself, due to Larry's testimony.
If both of them still insist on their testimonies, then they both have
some details that have gone awry in the telling. Now talk about the
"Inner Temple". Bikini is still claiming to have seen Iris at the Inner
Temple, which still doesn't mesh with Iris's version of events. Ela também
mentions that Eagle Mountain is an earthquake's favorite playground.
Let's just hope one doesn't strike, lest the Inner Temple collapse. Agora
talk about "Elise Deauxnim". When Phoenix asks Bikini why she keeps
refering to Elise as a "Mystic", she'll throw up a Psyche-Lock. Nós
come back to that later. Now talk about "Pearl". Bikini never saw Pearl
after dinner that night, which means that there's a high possibility
that she's trapped at the Inner Temple with Maya. Now move to the
Nothing here at the moment, so head back to the main hall. Gumshoe will
announce that the bridge has been repaired, and Franziska will take
Phoenix along with her (more like she's following him...). Mover para o
Inner Temple Gate now. The police are already here, and they're
investigating like there's no tommorrow! Pearl is here too! Yay! Mas
Maya's still unaccounted for. Looks like she's the only one who
Franziska can't stand up to, so she'll whip Phoenix in compensation!
Examine the heater now; there's no snow on it, and the ground around it
is showing. There's nothing inside though, but its already been used to
burn something! Move to the Training Hall now.
What a scene! The door's been padlocked with a trick lock, and Misty's
scroll has been covered with something! Examine the trick lock first.
Nothing will come of it, though, so examine the scroll. That splotch
turns out to be gravy! The Hanging Scroll will be updated in the court
record. Out of the blue, Godot shows up! Where was he all this time? Ele
shows up and blows Franziska off, who whips Phoenix as compensation
(AGAIN!). Ask him "Why didn't you show?". It seems that he visited his
doctor, which caused his abscence. Without his mask, he'd be completely
blind, and he can't see certain things even while wearing it! He even
states that Phoenix knows when he died, and who did it, and Phoenix has
the strange feeling that he knows what he's talking about. Now ask
"Can't undo?" Godot, as leader of the search party for Maya Fey, says
that chances are high that she's behind that padlocked door. Mas então
again, the chances of her being alive have got to be close to zero. Como
Franziska calls Godot a fool, he'll say that as long as that trick lock
is there, they can't go in and look for her. And he's blaming Phoenix
for the death of his mentor, "Mia Fey"! Talk to him about this now.
Godot says that even though her murderer was arrested, she still died!
Phoenix was supposed to be there, but she still ended up dead! Now talk
about the "Trick lock". We can't just break it off, since that might
cause the temple to collapse! Plus, there's no key! The only one who can
undo that lock is Iris, since she was responsible for locking that door
in the first place! Godot leaves, but not before saying that Edgeworth
is the one bringing Iris. Head back to the Inner Temple Gate.
Well, Gumshoe is thinking about something. To wash "that" off, or to not
wash "that" off. He also says that the garden beyond the little gate is
off-limits, so that means we should check it out, huh? Mover para o
Gumshoe is agahst that we've yet again violated orders. First, examine
the red item on the ground. It's a pendant, and it has the Master's
symbol on it! Gumshoe says that the pendant belonged to the victim, so
it will be added to the court record. Now examine the lantern. É
Maya's name, and it's written on the lantern in blood! Now talk to
Gumshoe about "The investigation". There have been a few things
bothering the good detective, namely the lantern and the ground
surrounding it. He had the crime lab go over them. Now talk about
"Maya". Gumshoe says that there's nowhere else Maya could be, and when
Edgeworth arrives with Iris, he'd like to speak to Phoenix. Now talk
about the "Bloody writing". The blood is that of the victim's, which
means that Maya could have murdered Elise! Mas por quê? With this, and other
clues, it's possible that the garden was the scene of the murder! Agora
talk about the "True crime scene". There's no chance that all of this
was set up, since it was inaccesible when Dusky Bridge went up in smoke.
It's time to move back to the Main Gate.
Iris and Edgeworth have just arrived! They'll head off to the Inner
Temple, but we should hurry along and see Bikini. Move to the Main Hall.
Fanziska seems to be genuinly sorry for Bikini's plight, and under the
threat of the W-H-I-P, Phoenix is forced to help as well. But I'm afraid
that the time has come to unlock her secret.
Phoenix guesses that there was more to Elise's visit than what's been
already told; it probably has to do with her real identity. To prove it,
present the Kurain Master's Talisman; why would she be wearing that? Para
add substance, present the Hanging Scroll; it has the same mark on it as
does the talisman, which means that Elise is, in all likelyhood, Misty,
Maya's missing mother! And that means that Maya is now the Master of the
Kurain Channeling Technique! Unlock successful!
Now talk about "Elise Deauxnim". It turns out that Elise, a.k.a. Misty,
arrived about a week ago. The talisman was proof that she was indeed
o mestre. In fact, the master must wear that talisman until the time
of their death. The reason why she came out of hiding... will have to
wait, since an earthquake choses this moment to strike! Fearing for
Edgeworth's safety, Phoenix and Franziska decide to head back. Move to
the Main Gate.
It's Edgeworth! Looks like he still hasn't gotten over his irrational
fear of earthquakes (If you've played the first game, then you'll know
what I'm talking about...). It looks like Iris has escaped as well! NO!
Aguardar. She may have gone to the Inner Temple to check on its condition!
To the Inner Temple, and step on it!
Well, the place is still standing, but the room has been locked even
tighter than before! What is going on here!? Save your game.
Edgeworth asks Iris to remove the locks. The problem is... she only
planted one of them. By testing every method that could have been used
place them, she could theoretically open them. However, the process will
take some time to finish up, probably a day at the most. Edgeworth will
head out to the garden for some more investigation while Franziska stays
behind to look after Iris. But we can't let this chance slip by just
ainda! Talk to Iris about "Escape". It's just as we thought; Iris escaped
to check on the Inner Temple's status. Now talk about the "Trick lock".
What's been said I already stated earlier, but I get the feeling that
someone WANTED Maya trapped behind that door! Now talk about "The night
of the crime". When Phoenix asks Iris how she could be at two different
places at one time, she'll throw up a Psyche-Lock. We'll have to leave
it for now. Move to the Garden.
Edgeworth is still looking pretty down. Talk to him about "The
investigation". Unfortunately, Maya is being considered as a suspect as
well as Iris. Now talk about "Earthquakes". It's really just a review.
Now talk about "Iris". Looks like Edgeworth's hunch was right. Contudo,
Iris had nothing to do with "that" case. We don't have "that" woman's
profile just yet, so let's check up on Larry.
Well well well. Both Larry AND Pearl are here! Looks like they're both
losers. Por quê? Talk to Pearl about "Laurice's sketch". Pearl actually
thinks that Larry's hit a home run with the sketch he drew. But the fact
still remains that Iris could not have flown that night. Now talk about
"The night of the crime". When Phoenix asks Pearl what she did that
night, she'll throw up another Psyche-Lock. Seriously, what's with all
the secrets? Pearl can't say because her powers have disappeared! SAY
WHAT!? Talk to Pearl about "Lost powers". The reason why she thinks so
is that she tried, but failed, to channel a spirit. Well, nothing we can
do about the lock at the moment, so let's resume our chat with Bikini.
Phoenix fills Bikini in about the extra locks. Now, about Misty's
reapperance. The reason she came out of hiding was because she intended
to protect the main line of the family from a malicious third party. Ele
turns out that the branch family have plotted to destroy the main family
line ever since the tradition was started! Talk to her about the "Kurain
Channeling Technique". Phoenix has seen Maya channeling so many times
that it's impossible for him to not believe in it. Kurain's been in some
financial trouble ever since "that" mistake. "That" turns out to be
DL-6. Talk to her about the "DL-6 Incident". This is basically a
refresher, so I'm not going to talk about it. However, ever since the
truth behind the incident was revealed 3 years ago, the Tradition's been
making a slow, but steady, comeback. Let's talk to her about this
"Family feud" now. It may sound like the participated in that famous
game show, but that's not the case. In fact, only the women of the Fey
family can inherit the power to channel the dead. It turns out that Mia
left not only to investigate her mother's disappearance, but she also
left because she didn't want to compete for the title of "Master". See,
she grew tired of the constant fights between Misty and her older
sister, Morgan. In fact, Iris is Morgan's daughter! SHE'S WHAT!? Fale com o
her about "Morgan and Iris". It turns out that Bikini didn't know that
Pearl was Morgan's daughter as well. Bikini was wrong all along! Morgan
had 3 daughters instead of two! Uh ... what? Bikini says that Iris also
has a twin sister. When Morgan's first husband left the village, he took
the twins with him. He was a jewel dealer, and he eventually remarried,
and gave Iris to the Temple, since his new wife already had a daughter.
With this new information, it's possible that Dahlia, that devilish
woman, is Iris's twin sister! Head to the courtyard.
Gumshoe's humming to himself. Let's get some answers from him. Gumshoe
shows Phoenix some scraps of paper. Talk to him about "The
investigation". If Maya isn't found soon, then everything might be for
naught! Now talk about "The letter". It turns out that it may have been
burnt slightly, and Phoenix wants to take a look at it. It mentions
spirit mediums, which can only mean that it's of vital importance! O
Burnt Letter will be added to the court record. Now talk about the
"Murder weapon". There's still the possibility of another blade having
been used, and Gumshoe's brought along a "Secret weapon" to aid in the
search. Talk to him about this. It turns out that the secret weapon is
actually a metal detector. He'll ask Phoenix if he wants a go at it.
"Play forensics expert". If you've played the last game, then this will
be familiar. When you have the opportunity, place the detector over
Elise's staff. It'll react, so "CHECK" it. It actually has a hidden
sword in its shaft! Now talk about the "Murder weapon" again. Há uma
good possibility that the blade is actually the murder weapon, but
Phoenix and Gumshoe decide to keep this new bit of info to themselves.
The Victim's Staff will be updated in the court record. Let's go and
see Edgeworth now.
Present the unknown profile to him. When Phoenix says that Iris's father
was a jeweler, Edgeworth will finally be willing to talk. Phoenix
guesses that the other twin was Dahlia, and Edgeworth confirms. Fale com o
him about "Dahlia Hawthorne". It's mostly stuff that we already know,
but Dahlia can't be involved since she's, well, DEAD. HUH!? Fale com ele
about "Dahlia's death". Well, execution is more like it. In fact, she
was executed about a month ago. He's also made aware of the mother's
identity, but he passes off the Technique as being all fraud. He'll find
out how wrong he is soon enough. For now, head back to the Training
Hall. It's time to open Iris's Psyche-Lock.
Phoenix says that the moment of truth has finally arrived. Iris is still
claiming to have been in her room. Present Bikini's profile; she's still
insisting that she saw Iris at the Inner Temple. One lock will crack
under pressure. The actual training itself was scheduled to start after
10:00 that night. She left at around 9:40 PM, but that just doesn't cut
ele. Present Iris's Hood; she met Phoenix that night, remember? Ainda
another lock is broken beyond repair. Now the most troubling problem:
Iris was seen in two different places at the same time! The answer is,
of course, "There were two of you." Who is the "other" Iris? Presente
Dahlia's proflie; Bikini and Edgeworth told us that they were twins.
That means that someone channeled Dahlia's spirit that night! Unlock
Now talk to her about "The night of the crime". She knew that Dahlia had
been summoned that night, but she didn't interfere because she had
already betrayed her once. Now talk about "The Traitor". Remember that
kidnapping? Iris was supposed to be in on it too, it seems. No entanto, ela
lost her nerve and never showed up. Dahlia never even did it for the
dinheiro. It was all about "Revenge". Talk to her about this now. Foi
all about Mr. Hawthorne abandoning Morgan, since she would never become
the head of the clan. Everything in this case has its roots in the
history of the Fey family. However, she doesn't know about Phoenix's
role in all of this, it seems. One last lock remains. Cabeça para o
Heavenly Hall.
Phoenix decides to play a little guessing game with Pearl. First, point
to the Inner Temple as to where Pearl was heading that night. Back it up
by presenting Maya's profile; she signed up for the special course,
which is supposed to be grueling. #1 is going, going, gone! Contudo,
there's still a bit of mystery concerning what happened after she left
for the Inner Temple. She left at around 9:30, but didn't get there
until after 10. How did she know that? Well, she heard the bell. Era
she listening for it intentionally? Present the Burnt Letter as proof;
it said to call the spirit at 10. Yet another lock will crumble. Agora,
who was she supposed to summon? Present Dahlia's profile; she had been
summoned that night. #3 will be utterly demolished. It seems that Pearl
has no idea of the connection between Dahlia and herself. Now, who wrote
that letter? Present Morgan's profile; only she would have something to
gain from this. 4 down, 1 to go! While Phoenix has no proof that Pearl
carried out those instructions, it was definitely a child. Por quê? Presente
the Hanging Scroll; in the instructions, it says to "gravely roast the
Master", but Pearl couldn't have understood the meaning of those words,
and splashed gravy all over it. Unlock successful!
Now talk about "The night of the crime". Pearl didn't interrupt because
Maya was already training by that time. She did, however, fall asleep.
When she woke up, she was all alone. Now talk about her "Lost powers".
She did try to summon Dahlia's spirit, but she failed. That leaves one
of two possibilities: either Pearl has indeed lost her powers, or, more
likely, someone had already summoned Dahlia. She keeps refering to the
letter, so it's time to dig deeper. Ask about "Morgan's letter". Ligado
Pearl's last visitation with Morgan, she instructed her to find the
letter at the manor. Pearl just doesn't seem to realize how serious all
of this is. However, someone managed to find the letter before she did.
But who? And why? That's when Godot decides to show up, and repeats his
spiel about both Mia and Maya being dead. Phoenix just can't believe
that Maya's dead, so the answer will be revealed tomorrow. Save your
We still don't know anything about Maya, but isn't Iris supposed to be
aqui? Via Edgeworth, Phoenix learns that Iris is currently talking with
Godot, who has taken over from Franziska. Speaking of Franziska, she's
currently at the Inner Temple with Bikini, undoing those trick locks.
Will Iris really give out a confession? Time to find out.
It's the good 'ol judge we all know and love! Apparently, his brother,
the Canadian judge, came down with a cold, so he's back in the Judge's
stand. Godot will waste no time in calling Iris to the stand. She's here
to make a confession. She didn't murder Elise, but she did tamper with
the body! That means her past tesimony was all a lie! Iris's Testimony
will now be discarded. Iris did all of this to protect Maya Fey, who
she claims is the real murderer! Everyone, it's time to FREAK OUT!!!
-I went to the Inner Temple that night and I saw it all happen in the
-I saw Mystic Elise strike Mystic Maya with her staff!
-Then, while Mystic Maya was stumbling, Mystic Elise moved in to deliver
a fatal strike!
-Mystic Maya tried desperately to defend herself and stole the
-It was only in self-defense! You can't blame her for it!
This can't be what happened! Start unweaving this tapestry of lies by
pressing her third statement, the one where Elise moved in to deal the
final blow. Elise, after disorienting Maya, grabbed a weapon from her
robes. It was a dagger, according to Iris. But Godot will ask us if
there's anything wrong with the testimony, so answer "There is one
thing...", and Godot will ask Iris to add that statement to her
-She threw her staff away and pulled a dagger from inside her robe!
That's puzzling. If there was a sword hidden in her staff, then why
didn't she use that instead? Present the Victim's Staff against this new
declaração. Godot counters by saying that the sword would be unwieldy in
close quarters. Plus, as long as there's nothing odd about Misty wanting
to kill Maya, the testimony is bulletproof! I don't think so. Presente
Elise's profile when given the chance; we've already learned that
Elise's true identity is that of Misty Fey. Why would Misty want to kill
her own daughter? It just doesn't make sense. Godot is one step ahead,
as he had Gumshoe investigate further, and what he found was a small
dagger. It most definitely has blood on it! However, the blood has not
yet been analyzed, which means that it may not be the victim's blood at
todos! That dagger will be added to the court record. The judge will ask
that Iris testify about the fight Misty had with Maya.
-Mystic Maya stumbled briefly after being hit over the head with the
-But then she dodged Mystic Elise's next attack and stole her weapon!
-Suddenly Mystic Elise was the one on the defense with her back to the
stone lantern.
-That's when Mystic Maya stabbed Mystic Elise!
-Mystic Elise managed to fling the knife away, but then... Então ... ela
The contradiction is lying right out in the open. Present Elise's
Autopsy Report against her fourth statement, the one where Maya stabs
the victim; Elise was stabbed from behind, not in front! Godot counters
by saying that she may have made a mistake due to the darkness! Grrrr!
Not again! Godot will present the lantern itself as evidence, and the
judge raises a huge fuss about it. Godot now has Iris testify about the
-After Mystic Elise died... I called out to Mystic Maya.
-I thought that it was my duty to protect the future Master of the
Kurain Tradition.
-So I removed the body from the Inner Temple by myself...
-I dragged it behind me all the way across Dusky Bridge.
-Then I used the snowmobile to carry it back to Hazakura Temple and...
-...I used the Shichishito to alter the way the wound looked.
Start by pressing the fifth statement, the one about using the
snowmobile. She used that snowmobile to move the body from the bridge to
the main temple compound. Ask "About the tracks". It was still snowing,
so the first set was erased. This testimony, "It's very important". A ela
testimony will now be amended:
-By the time the murder took place, the snow had already stopped.
Present the Weather Data against her fourth statement, the one about
dragging the body through the Dusky Brigde; by the time it had stopped
snowing, the bridge had already burned to a crisp! Godot counters that
Elise's body was discovered in the courtyard, and Bikini saw Iris
desecrating the body. Iris will be asked about how else the body could
have been moved.
-Other than walking over the bridge, there's no other way to move the
-So I... must have just... gotten confused, I guess.
-Was the snow still falling or had it stopped...? Does it really matter
that much?
-Or are you saying that there is a way to cross a burning bridge?
Godot present a photo depicting Dusky Bridge after it had burned down.
Said photo will be added to the court record. Now, onto the
Actually, there WAS another way. As proof, present Larry's Sketch
against her fourth statement, the one about crossing a burning bridge.
Larry did see a body, but he may have remembered its orientation wrong.
But is it exactly what happened? No, it's "a complete contradiction". Ele
contradicts the facts. As proof, point to the support wires on either
side of the figure. Again, as proof, present the Dusky Bridge Photo;
those support wires are below the bridge, not above it! That's why Larry
made a mistake! He saw the entire thing upside-down! That means that the
body didn't fly through the air, it was actually swung beneath the
bridge! Exactly how a pendulum would act! But was it all planned in
advance? Nope. As proof, present the Dusky Bridge Photo again; one of
the wires is dangling below the bridge, as though it had been used like
a pendulum! To prove it, present the Crystal Sphere; it came loose from
the staff when it had been dropped! Godot counters (and once more,
throws his coffee straight at Phoenix's head) with the fact that someone
had to be on the other side to recieve the body! Who was it?
Present Iris's profile; there were two of them there that night, after
todos. Irisshould have known all about the pendulum... unless she's not
really Iris at all! As to who she is, present Dahlia's profile; she's
Iris's twin sister, and she could easily pass for her if someone was
channeling her! Godot counters by saying that even if the channeling was
planned, there was no way for Dahlia to have switched places with Iris!
Actually, "There was one..." As proof, present Edgeworth's profile; due
to the earthquake, he blacked out, and Iris ran off to the Inner Temple
to check its condition. She could have switched places with her there!
The witness admits it. Her real name is Dahlia Hawthorne, and she's been
trying to frame Maya for murder all this time! Things are going to get
crazier before they get saner... Save your game.
Right away, the judge asks for Dahlia to give her testimony regarding
the plan that was to take place that night. She agrees; after all, she's
dead, so she can't be punished by law.
-...The whole plan began with my death.
-A stupid plan hatched by Morgan Fey to install her own daughter as the
next Master.
-But for it to work... Maya Fey would first have to die.
-The idea was for me to kill Maya and then have the blame pinned on
-The plan went wrong... but it seems to have succeeded anyway.
We must learn all of the details of this plan. First, press the first
statement, the one about dying. She was hung from the gallows as the
method of execution. Last year, Morgan had been transfered to Dahlia's
cell, and it was there that Morgan revealed her plan. Next, press the
statement about Pearl becoming the Master. She may not have been killed,
had the twins displayed any sort of spiritual power. But they didn't,
and she considered them to be disposable. Next, press the statement
about Maya having to die for the plan. Pearl was forced into the plan by
her mother, and she would unknowingly become the next Master had Maya
been murdered. Now, press the statement about pinning the blame on Iris.
Had Dahlia used Pearl's body to kill Maya, anyone witnissing the event
would think that Iris had killed Maya instead! Now, press the statement
about the plan going wrong, but succeeding. She says that Maya is
dead, not entrapped. She was just using Morgan's plan for her own gain.
She will now amend her testimony:
-Do you understand why I would kill Maya Fey now? What my goal was?
Don't ask her. Tell her by presenting Mia's profile; it was all for
revenge. Revenge on her nemesis for having her arrested and executed. Assim
she decided to kill Maya, and, by doing so, harm Mia's ego. She chased
down Maya after Bikini left them alone, but she doesn't remember
stabbing Maya. It was later that she learned that Misty had been the one
to summon her spirit. Thus, she assumed that, when she had been
channeled later, Maya had killed her own mother, and, in grief, commited
suicide. With no heir of her own, the blood of the Main Family has
disappered forever. Godot then recieves a phone call and announces that
the Sacred Cavern has been opened, and a body had been retrieved. O
body wasn't that of Maya Fey; it was that of Iris. This news seemingly
confirms Dahlia's theory, and Maya must be dead.
This is when Godot objects. He tells Phoenix to return from la-la land
and consider the facts. If Maya had jumped when the bridge was out, then
it would have been from the Inner Temple, and that would be impossible.
To prove Godot's theory, present the Hazakura Temple Map; if she had
jumped from that side, then her body would have hit rock bottom -
literally! Now, this begs the question, "where is she now?" She's "in
this very courtroom." That's right, there's no where else she could be
but here! Phoenix goes further by saying that it's not Pearl that's
summoning her spirit; present Maya's profile. This is the only way she
could make it out of the ordeal alive! Pearl then summons Mia, who
confirms his theory. She goes on to utterly humiliate Dahlia, and, in
rage, returns to where she came from.
The judge, who had unbelievebly followed all of these events, is about
to declare Iris Not Guilty, when Godot objects! We still have no idea
who really killed Misty that night! To that end, he'd like to summon
Maya as the last witness, and the judge agrees, calling a recess to
allow her to recuperate. Back in the lobby, Iris admits to having
altered the body, but she's not willing to reveal the killer's name.
After she leaves, Mia shows up and says that she's already told Maya the
verdade. She also knows that Phoenix knows the killer's identity. É uma
gut feeling, but it was most likely someone that was stuck at the Inner
Temple as well. There are still a few mysteries left to solve, and when
court reconvenes, those questions will be answered once and for all!
Save your game.
Before Maya gets called up to the stand, the judge will anounce the
results of the blood tests: the blood on the dagger is not that of the
victim's! However, they only had enough time to compare the blood stain
on the dagger to Misty's blood. We STILL don't know whose blood it is!
The Dagger will be updated in the court record. The judge will ask Maya
to testify about what happened that night.
-I was going to a spare prep room when it happened as I was passing
through the garden.
-Suddenly, someone struck me over the head...
-I stumbled... and ended up against the stone lantern.
-I think I screamed, "Help me!"
-Then, something warm splashed over me...
-That's when... I lost conciousness.
That's one vauge testimony. Unfortunately, we still have to
cross-examine her. Start by pressing her fourth statement, the one about
gritando por socorro. She screamed because it was her last hope. Ask her
about "my last hope". She was screaming to the person behind her
attacker! She'll try to take it back, but it's no use, and she'll be
forced to amend her testimony:
-I could see a man behind my attacker by the light of the stone lantern.
Remeber what Godot said earlier? He said that the lantern's wick was no
good, so it couldn't have been used that night! Present the Stone
Lantern against this statement. But how DID she see thad second person?
Try to remember the end of Case 3; when Tigre roared the lights out,
Godot's visor was glowing in the dark! Maybe HE was the one she saw!
Present Godot's profile as proof of who she saw. Again, Maya tries to
cover for Godot! Understandable, since he saved her life that night! Ela
says that she thought it was a man for a different reason! Godot has her
testify about this reason.
-...When I came to, I was just lying there on the Training Hall floor.
-By the time I got back to the garden, the place had totally changed...
-The torches were lit... And the body was gone.
-And all of the snow around the stone lantern had been carefully cleaned
up, too.
-Since the person did all that work alone, I just assumed it was a
It's still a litte vauge. Start by pressing her third statement, the one
about the torches being lit and the lack of a body. Phoenix suspects
that the killer lit those torches. But then, why was the body moved? O
only one that act would benefit from was Maya! Now press her fourth
statement, the one about the snow being cleared up. Now that is one odd
act, especially considering that the area itself was odd. But if there
was blood in the snow on the ground, then why shovel away all that snow?
Now press her second statement, the one about the scene having been
alteradas. When Maya saw all of that, she felt like whoever doing it was
protecting her, and she'll add a statement about this to her testimony:
-I think it was for my sake that they cleaned up any and all evidence of
o que aconteceu.
Wait just a sec! If they had wanted to protect her, why didn't they
clean off those bloody letters on the lantern? Present the Stone Lantern
against this statement. To answer the question of why, as improbable as
it may seem, say "The killer didn't notice it." Again, think back to
Case 3, this time when the apron was first introduced: Godot wasn't able
to see the ketchup stain. And later, during this case, he claimed there
was no blood on that lantern. Maybe, when presented against a white
backdrop, he can't see the color red! Present Godot's profile as proof
of this. This means that Godot is now the most likely suspect! That's
why he moved the snow; he couldn't see the blood! Just then, Maya jumps
in, still intent on protecting Godot! Godot himself jumps in, saying
that after the murder, Maya channeled Dahlia's spirit, and thus, was
unconcious for quite some time. Maya insists that she testify again, and
Phoenix agrees.
-Pearly was also stuck on the Inner Temple side that night!
-The next morning, she looked around, but couldn't find anyone.
-On the day after, when the bridge was finally fixed, she was in the
spare prep room.
-That's when Mr. Godot arrived at the Inner Temple for the first time!
-He found Pearly first and cheered her right up!
Press her fifth statement, the one about Godot finding Pearl. Godot
mentions the investigation, so ask about "Godot's investigation". O
only thing that caught Godot's eye was Misty's picture on that scroll
(he mentions her kimono). If he said what I thought he just said, then
we've got him. Present the Hanging Scroll against Maya's fourth
statement, the one about Godot's first visit to the temple; by the time
the bridge had been fixed, that scroll had been covered by gravy! Godot
wouldn't know who was depicted in the scroll unless he had seen it
before, which means that Godot WAS there the night of the crime! Godot
counters by saying that he had no idea of that plan! Counter by
presenting the Burnt Letter; Pearl said that the letter had been opened
before she found it. Maybe Godot listened in on Pearl's last visitation
with Morgan! Godot counters by saying he had no reason to eavesdrop on
Pearl and Morgan's visit! Present Mia's profile. Por quê? Because Godot is
in actuallity... Diego Armando, former Defense Attorney! He admits that
that is the reason; he was determined to protect Mia's sister, Maya,
from harm. When he learned about the plan, he enlisted the help of the
Hazakura Temple (via Iris), and Misty, Maya's mother. He hid at the
Inner Temple just in case Pearl did summon Dahlia. Except that Misty had
summoned her instead, so that Pearl never could! But this explanation
still doesn't prove that Godot actually murdered Misty! Phoenix asks
Maya to testify one more time.
-...Just before it happened, I think I saw some red lights.
-I thought I'd ask for help, but... just then I was splattered with
-She wasn't dead though... And she struck back at the enemy behind her.
-Suddenly, the red lights went out and the whole area was dark.
-...Just at that moment, there was a horrible scream!
-Right after that... Dahlia collapsed and I lost consciousness.
Press her fifth statement, the one about the scream. It wasn't Dahlia's
scream she heard; it was probably Godot's. The killer must have stolen
Dahlia's sword-cane when she retalliated! Actually, "There's a
contradiction." Dahlia couldn't have used the sword, since it was stuck
in her body! Then what DID she strike back with? Present the Dagger; the
blood is still unidentified. It could be Godot's blood on the tip of the
blade! Maya counters by saying that if Godot was injured, then we should
be able to see a wound or bloodstain; he was stuck at the Inner Temple,
and he couldn't have packed extra clothes, because of the unpredictable
burning of the bridge! So where is the wound? Present Godot's profile;
it's most likely under his visor, and that would explain why the lights
went out! Enjoy the ending, but make sure to present Pearl's profile
when prompted.
I hope that you enjoyed the game as much as I did! I like to read aloud
during these games, but it seems as though I strained my voice during
my voicethroughs. Ah well. I STRONGLY urge you to buy the game when it
comes to American shores so that we may have an opportunity to play
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney!
quinta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2009
O nosso primeiro detonado do blog e : PHOENIX WRIGHT trials and tribulations
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foi mal porque eu boteei em ingles a maioria espero que entendem